Most recent update:4/18/2004; 12:19:46 PM

 Saturday, March 13, 2004

Mediterannean Centre for Arts and Sciences (MCAS), Sicily: assorted jobs

Temporary Lectureships in Classics for Summer &/or Fall Semesters,
2004 (21ST June - 23rd July, 6th Sept - 18th Dec, 2004)

We are a recently established higher education centre located in
Syracuse, Sicily, (Italy) catering to US undergraduates. We are
seeking two outstanding classics graduates (Ph.D holders).
Candidates should either be experienced lecturers looking for a
career break, or young academics looking to consolidate their
teaching skills.   An ability to offer Latin or Greek language
lessons is desirable.  The position is suitable for those with
research interests in Sicily and the Mediterranean, and who are
fluent in English.

The lecturers coming to MCAS for Summer or Fall 2004, would be
responsible for teaching two of the following courses:

CLAS 220 Classical Mythology
CLAS 320 Greek and Roman Epic: Homer and Virgil
CLAS 205 Classical Drama: Staging the Gods
HIST 205 Magna Graecia: the impact of Greek colonisation

Application: write/fax/email a full CV providing the names & contact
numbers of three referees for the attention of Dr. A. Marcar.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview.
Appointments are made on merit.  Preference is given to Native
English speakers and EU passport holders.  Deadline: April 30th, 2004.

We offer competitive local salaries and organize accommodation. All
classes are in English. For further information on our courses please
consult our website:
e-mail:, fax: 0931-44-9259, web:

Palazzo Ardizzone, Via Roma 124, Siracusa 96100, Sicily, Italy
tel: 0931-44-9262, e-mail:, fax:
0931-44-9259, web:

Messages to the list are archived at

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Queen's University (Kingston):  Generalist (three year)

The Department of Classics at Queen’s University invites applications
for a three-year, non-renewable, full-time position for the period July
1, 2004 to June 30, 2007.  Applicants will have their Ph.D. in hand and
be able to teach both languages at all levels of the undergraduate and
graduate program.  Applicants must also be experienced in teaching
Classical Studies courses and demonstrate ambitious research interests.
Area of specialization is open.  Rank and salary will be commensurate
with qualifications and experience.  The salary floor for Assistant
Professor is $50,371.00 during 2003/04.

Applications should include a full curriculum vitae, a statement of
research and teaching interests, and a sample of writing.  These
materials and three confidential letters of reference should be sent to
Professor Dietmar K. Hagel, Head, Department of Classics, Queen’s
University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6.  Phone (613) 533-2745; fax (613)
533-6739; email <>.  Consideration of
applications begins February 16, 2004.

Queen’s University is committed to an employment equity programme and
encourages applications from all qualified women and men, including
visible minorities, aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, gay
men and lesbians.  All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply;
however, Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents will be given
priority.  Academic staff members at Queen’s University are governed by
a collective agreement, the details of which are posted at

-- seen in the Canadian Classical Bulletin

10:16:47 AM    Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog.

Eastern Mediterranean University (Cyprus): Generalist (term?)

Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the position of
Archaeologist. Ph.D. preferred; M.A. in Archaeology required. The
successful candidate will be expected to teach a range of introductory
undergraduate courses in archaeological method and theory, along with
upper division courses in his/her area of specialization. The area of
specialization is open, however candidates with background in
paleobotanical analysis or underwater archaeology are particularly
encouraged to apply. Our department strongly encourages the integration of
current research into our undergraduate syllabus and candidates should
have ongoing research projects as well as university teaching experience.
Applicants must be able to work with a student body whose second language
is English.

To apply, send resume (with list of courses taught); names, university
addresses, and phone numbers of references (at least two of whom can
discuss the applicant's teaching ability) to:

Muge Sevketoglu

Application deadline is April 25th

Send completed application documentation to:

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Eastern Mediterranean University
Gazimagusa, North Cyprus
(via Mersin-10, TURKEY)
Tel. (90) 392 365 1614
Fax. (90) 392 365 4479

-- seen on ANE

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UMissouri-Columbia: Roman Art and Archaeology (one year almost)

Roman Archaeologist.  University of Missouri-Columbia.  The Department of Art History and Archaeology seeks a visiting assistant professor.  This is a full-time, non-tenure track position from August 2004 to May 2005.  Teach five courses, including introductory and upper-level classes in Roman art and archaeology, a team-taught undergraduate survey of Western art, and a graduate seminar in an area of specialization. Ph.D. and teaching experience preferred.  Please send cover letter, curriculum vitae, and three letters of references to Professor Kathleen Warner Slane, Roman Archaeology Search Committee, Department of Art History and Archaeology, 109 Pickard Hall, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri, 65211. Screening of applications will begin March 15, 2004, and continue until the position is filled.  For more information about the department please visit AA/EOE/WMA.

-- seen on AegeaNet

10:13:31 AM    Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog.

Xavier U (Cinncinnati): Generalist (one year)

The Classics Department at Xavier University, a Jesuit-Catholic
institution, invites applications for a one-year appointment at the
rank of visiting assistant professor. Applicants should have
experience teaching Latin and Greek (especially lower- and
intermediate-level language courses) and be prepared to teach courses
in translation such as Greek, Roman, and Near Eastern civilization,
literature, and archaeology. The course load is four and four. Ph.D.s
and qualified ABDs may apply. By March 15, 2004, please send a letter
of application, three letters of recommendation, and proof of
teaching excellence (syllabi, course evaluations, etc.) to: Dr.
Edmund P. Cueva, Chair, Department of Classics, Xavier University,
3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH  45207. We hope to hold
interviews at CAMWS in St. Louis, though applicants not attending the
conference are welcome. Xavier University has a strong commitment to
diversity and, building upon recent success, seeks a broad spectru
m of candidates including minorities and women. For more information
on Xavier, please visit our website at

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Concordia: Generalist (one year)

Concordia University - Faculty of Arts and Science
Our Department of Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics invites
applications for one limited-term appointment in the area of Classical
Archaeology. Applicants must have a PhD in Classical Archaeology or ABD
status. Demonstrated excellence in research and teaching is required. The
successful candidate will be expected to teach a wide range of undergraduate
courses in classical civilization and archaeology. Expertise in Bronze Age
archaeology will be considered an asset, as will the ability to teach an
undergraduate course in ancient Greek.

The above position is a full-time, limited-term appointment, beginning
August 15, 2004. Hiring is subject to budgetary approval. This position is
normally at the rank of Assistant Professor. Applications should consist of
a letter of intent, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, a statement
of teaching and research interests, and three letters of reference. Review
of applications will begin on March 1, 2004 and continue until the position
is filled.
Contact: Dr. Catherine Vallejo, Chair, Department of Classics, Modern
Languages and Linguistics

-- seen in the Canadian Classical Bulletin

10:04:33 AM    Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog.

YorkU: Hellenist (one year)

The Division of Humanities, Faculty of Arts, York University invites
applications for a one-year contractually limited appointment in Classical
Studies beginning July 1, 2004, at the Assistant Professor level. The
preferred area of specialisation is Greek literature and culture.

Candidates should have a PhD in Classics in hand by the time of appointment
and demonstrated excellence in teaching and research. The successful
candidate will be required to teach a wide range of undergraduate courses
(including Foundation courses) in Classical Studies; these may include
language courses in Latin and/or ancient Greek.

A letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing sample, and three
confidential academic references should be sent before March 31, 2004
directly to: Professor D. Freake, Chair, Division of Humanities, York
University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3. E-mail: Phone 416-736-5158. Fax 416-736-5460.

For further information about the Division of Humanities, see; for details about the Program in Classical
Studies, see

Salary commensurate with qualifications; competitive benefits. All positions
at York University are subject to budgetary approval.

York University is an Affirmative Action Employer. The Affirmative Action
Program can be found on York's Web site at or a copy
can be obtained by calling the affirmative action office at 416-736-5713.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens
and Permanent Residents will be given priority.

-- seen in the Canadian Classical Bulletin

10:03:42 AM    Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog.

UFlorida: Generalist (one year)

The Department of Classics invites applications for a one-year position for a generalist in Classical Studies beginning August 2004. Requirements: Ph.D. in Classics must be in hand and one or more years of teaching experience is preferred.  The successful candidate should expect to teach a 3/3 course load during the 2004-2005 academic year, and be able to offer classes in Latin, Greek, and Classical Civilization from the middle to senior levels. No committee work will be expected.  Salary will be commensurate with experience.
The University of Florida is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation, and actual or perceived medical conditions.

Interested candidates should send their dossiers to the Search Committee Chair (see below); an e-mail letter of interest should be sent in advance Review of applications will begin on March 1, 2004, and end on April 21st, 2004.

Chair of Search Committee: Dr. Karelisa Hartigan / Department of Classics / POB 117435, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 (352) 392-2075 x 265;

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Yale Center for International Area Studies: Associate Research Scholar (one year renewable)

The Hellenic Studies Program (HSP) within the Council on European Studies at the Yale
Center for International and Area Studies (YCIAS) announces an opening for an Associate
Research Scholar/Associate Program Director beginning July 1, 2004. The HSP supports and
coordinates the study of post-Classical Hellenic culture and civilization at Yale.
Established in July 2001 the Program organizes lectures, symposia, conferences and supports
faculty and student scholarly activities. For more information see

Primary duties include developing and managing curricular, research, and dissemination
activities of the Program. The successful candidate will be expected to teach two courses
annually in subject areas directly related to the HSP.  Duties also include managing HSP's
administrative functions.

Applicants must have a completed PhD in the humanities or social sciences, thorough
knowledge of post-classical Hellenic studies, preferably touching on Greece and its
regional, international and Hellenic Studies-related themes, university level teaching
experience, proficiency in Modern Greek, and excellent English oral and written
communication skills.  Fluency in Modern Greek and program leadership and administrative
experience is preferred.

The appointment will be for three years with annual renewal based on mid-year performance
reviews. Salary commensurate with experience and background.

Send letter of application, curriculum vita and three letters of recommendation to The
Hellenic Studies Program, Rosemarie Hansen, Yale Center for International and Area Studies,
P.O. Box 208206, New Haven, CT 06520-8206. Submissions by e-mail will be accepted.  E-mail
submission should be sent to For more information you can
contact <>.

Deadline for submissions:  March 22nd, 2004

AA/EOE; applications from women and minorities are encouraged.

-- seen on the Classics list


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ASCSA: Production / Manuscript Editor

The Publications Office of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (ASCSA) has an immediate full-time vacancy for a well-organized and highly motivated individual to be responsible for the production flow from raw manuscript to bound book of a major series of archaeological monographs. Based in Princeton, NJ, the Editor will be part of a small, friendly team working closely with authors to produce publications of the highest quality.

The successful candidate will have at least two years experience as a production/manuscript editor, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, a sharp eye for detail, and an exceptional ability to organize workflow. Computer literacy is expected, a good knowledge of Pagemaker or InDesign an advantage. Minimum qualifications include a BA degree, preferably in Archaeology, Classics, or a related field. Excellent benefits, pleasant working conditions, salary commensurate with experience.

Prospective applicants should submit a cover letter and resume, either by e-mail or post, to: Charles Watkinson, Director of Publications, ASCSA, 6-8 Charlton Street, Princeton, NJ 08540-5232. E-mail: The closing date for applications is Monday March 22nd. ASCSA is an equal opportunity employer.

-- seen on ANE

10:00:40 AM    Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog.

UTennesee: Generalist (one year)

The Department of Classics at the University of Tennessee invites
applications for a full-time, non-tenure track position at the rank of
Lecturer to begin in the academic year 2004-2005. The appointment is for
one year. Ph.D. degree preferred. The primary area of responsibility will
be teaching Latin and Greek at the introductory and intermediate levels.
The successful applicant must have experience in teaching one or both
languages at these levels. There is the possibility of teaching advanced
undergraduate courses in Latin or Greek, as well as a civilization course.
Teaching load is 4 courses per semester. Salary: $32,000. Please send a
letter of interest and a placement dossier including a curriculum vitae
and three letters of recommendation by April 19, 2004 to Elizabeth
Sutherland, Department of Classics, 1101 McClung Tower, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-0413. The University of Tennessee is an
EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the
provision of its education and employment programs and services.

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USydney: Greek Historian (tenure track?)

Lecturer in Ancient Greek History
Department of Classics and Ancient History
School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry
University of Sydney

Reference No. B09/004710

The Faculty of Arts and the School of Philosophical Inquiry are seeking
to appoint a suitably qualified person to a Lectureship in Ancient Greek

A doctoral qualification and publication record relevant to the position
are essential. The successful candidate will be expected to conduct
research and teaching in the field of Greek history.

The department of Classics and Ancient History is located in the School
of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry, one of four schools within the
Faculty of Arts. It has a distinguished reputation in Classical studies
internationally, and its main research strengths include Classical and
Hellenistic Greek history and culture; Roman Republican and Imperial
history and historians; Ancient Near Eastern history; the Greek and
Roman theatre; the Greek and Roman novel; Greek and Roman poetry;
Classical mythology.

The position is full-time continuing, subject to the completion of a
satisfactory probation period and/or confirmation for new appointees.
Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is a condition
of employment for new appointees. Interested applicants are asked to
obtain a full statement of the selection criteria and additional
information from the Head of School, Professor Richard Waterhouse on
(02) 9351 5658 or e-mail:

Remuneration package: $69,770 - $82,845 p.a. (which includes a base
salary Lecturer Level B $58,957 - $70,012 p.a., leave loading and up to
17% employer's contribution to superannuation)

Closing: 8 April 2004

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UOregon: Generalist (2 one-year replacements)

The Classics Department at the University of Oregon seeks one, possibly two
Visiting Assistant Professors to fill one, possibly two, one-year
replacement positions for 2004-2005.  The teaching load is six courses over
three quarters.  The first position includes beginning Greek, and
upper-division courses in Greek and/or Latin, possibly a Greek civilization
course, and one on Epic in English translation for majors and non-majors.
The second includes upper-division Greek and Latin, a Greek civilization
course, and one on Tragedy in English translation for majors and non-majors.
Ph.D. required by August 15, 2004.  Evidence of teaching experience is
important.  Send letter of application and, either a dossier including  CV
and three letters of recommendation, or these items separately, by April 15
to Search Committee, Department of Classics, University of Oregon, 1415
Kincaid Street, Room 840, Eugene, OR 97403-1267.  USA.

The University of Oregon is an AA/EOE/ADA Institution committed to cultural
diversity.  Women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Inquiries may be sent to the department chair, Mary Jaeger, at .

-- seen on AegeaNet

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