Most recent update:4/18/2004; 12:24:15 PM

 Sunday, April 18, 2004

Howard: Roman Civ/Latin (adjuncts)

The Department of Classics at Howard University invites applications for one or more adjunct positions (part-time) for AY 2004-2005. Likely courses will include Roman Civilization and/or Intermediate Latin. We seek someone with a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching. Please send letter of application, CV, and 3 letters of recommendation to: Professor Alexander Tulin, Head, Search Committee, Department of Classics, Howard University, Washington, D.C. 20059. Evaluation of applications will begin on April 15th and will continue until the position is filled. E.O.E.

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Stockton College: Greek Language and Lit. (one year)

GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE, September 2004, one-year, non-renewable
Visiting Instructor ($34,986-$40,232)/Assistant Professor
($42,527-$48.907).  Salary may be higher depending upon qualifications,
experience and increases in the appropriately established compensation
plan.  Teach courses in modern and classical Greek language and
literatures.  Teach courses in History or Literature of Hellenism
(ancient, Byzantine, modern).  Teaching load is six four-hour courses
per year.  MA or ABD required for Instructor and Ph.D. required for
Assistant Professor with college-level teaching experience preferred.
Specialization in modern Greek language and literatures with strong
background in classical Greek and Greek history.  Screening begins
immediately and will continue until position is filled.  Send letter of
application, with CV, statement of teaching philosophy and three letters
of recommendation to Dr. Kenneth Dollarhide, Dean of Arts and
Humanities.  The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, AA__, PO Box
195, Pomona, NJ 08240.  Stockton is an AA/EOE.  Women and minorities are
encouraged to apply.

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Nipissing: Generalist (nine-month)

The Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies invites applications for a
nine-month limited-term position at the rank of Assistant Professor
beginning August 1, 2004, subject to final budgetary approval. The area of
specialization is Classical Greek and Roman civilization. The successful
candidate will be required to teach two sections of Classics 1005, which is
a full-year introductory survey course in Greek and Roman civilization, and
Classics 2005, a full-year upper-level course in Classical Mythology. In
second term, the appointee will have the option to teach, for additional
remuneration, the half-year upper-level course, Classics 2206, Sport in the
Classical World.

Preference will be given to candidates with a PhD in Classical Studies and a
demonstrated ability to teach at the undergraduate level. In accordance with
Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed to
Canadian citizens. Nipissing University is an equal opportunity employer.
The deadline for receiving applications is April 30, 2004.

For more information contact Dr Marg Denike, Chair of Humanities and
Cultural Studies Department at or (705) 474-3461 ext
A letter of application, statement of teaching philosophy, curriculum vitae,
three letters of recommendation and teaching evaluations (if available)
should be sent to:
Dr Andrew P. Dean
Dean of Arts and Science
Re: Classical Studies Search Committee
Faculty of Arts and Science
Nipissing University
100 College Drive
North Bay, ON P1B 8L7
Fax: 705-474-3072

... seen in the Canadian Classical Bulletin

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Skidmore: Generalist (one year)

The Classics Department at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs,
NY, invites applications for a one-year sabbatical replacement position in
Latin language and literature at the rank of Assistant Professor
effective fall 2004. Candidates should be able to teach courses in
Greek and Latin language and literature at all levels, as well as
classical civilization and Greek and Roman epic poetry in translation;
the teaching load is 3/2. Candidates should be firmly committed to
undergraduate education with an active scholarly agenda in Latin
poetry preferred. Ph.D. preferred by time of appointment. Salary is
commensurate with qualifications and experience. Women and men from
diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds are especially
encouraged to apply. Applications will be reviewed as received until
the position is filled. Send a letter of application, curriculum
vitae, and letters of reference to Prof. Michael Arnush, Chair,
Classics Department, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY
12866-1632, or electronically at For further
information about the department visit our website at

... seen on Aegeanet

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Duke: Greek Art and Archaeology (one year)

The Department of Classical Studies is authorized to hire a visiting
assistant professor for the academic year 2004-2005. The position is not
renewable. We prefer a specialist in Greek art/archeology/material culture.
The teaching load is 2 courses/semester: Greek art and archeology and a
first-year seminar in Greek civilization in the fall, Roman art and
archeology and a more specialized upper level (possibly graduate level)
course in the spring. Candidates should have completed the PhD. Duke is an
equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages applications
from minorities and women. Letters of application along with curriculum
vitae and a list of referees should be sent to the contact below. We will
continue to accept applications until the position is filled.

Contact Info:
Peter Burian, Chair
Department of Classical Studies
Duke university Box 90103
Durham, NC 27708-0103
(p) (1919) 684-2005
(f) (919) 681-4262

... seen on the European Archaeology list

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Nottingham: Postdocs (two)

Applications are invited for the above posts in the Department of Classics.  The
Fellowships will be offered in connection with Professor A H Sommerstein's research
project on "The Oath in Archaic and Classical Greece", funded by the Leverhulme Trust.
The main responsibility of the successful candidates will be to assist in the
implementation of this project, which is centred on the creation of a database
comprising all references to oaths and swearing in texts dating from, or referring to,
the archaic and classical periods (down to 322 BC).  In addition to creating records for
the database, the successful candidates will be expected to do analytical and
interpretative work on the material, produce conference papers, and publish articles.
It is envisaged that the Research Fellows and Professor Sommerstein will subsequently
co-author a monograph on the oath in ancient Greece, based on the information contained
in the database. 

Each of the Research Fellows may undertake teaching duties, not exceeding 6 hours per
week, at the invitation of the Head of the Department of Classics and with the consent
of the project director.

Candidates must be able to work with electronic databases, but expertise in the
technique of creating them is not a requirement.  It is expected that one of the
successful candidates will have had substantial experience in the study and
interpretation of epigraphic texts, and the other in that of literary texts.

Salary will be within the range £18,893 - £21,010 per annum, depending on
qualifications and experience.  These posts are available from 1 September 2004 and will
be offered on a fixed-term contract for a period of three years.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Professor Sommerstein, preferably by Email:

Candidates should send a detailed CV, together with the names and addresses of two
referees, to Professor A Sommerstein, Department of Classics, School of Humanities, The
University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD.  Closing date: 10 May
2004.  Interview date: early June 2004.

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Iowa State: Generalist (nine month)

The Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures at Iowa State University seeks to appoint a general classicist at the level of Lecturer for the academic year 2004-05. This is a nine-month full-time position to teach six courses.  The six courses will include two sections each of 1st and 2nd semester elementary Latin, one advanced Latin course, and the sixth, yet to be determined, may be part of a team-taught course in Greek and Roman mythology.  The salary is competitive (with benefits).  Applications will be reviewed as received (and must be received by April 30, 2004, to guarantee consideration).  M.A. in Classics or related area and successful teaching experience required.  Send letter of application, a dossier including three letters of recommendation, evidence of good teaching, and curriculum vitae to Margaret Mook, Classics Search, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Classical Studies Program, 300 Pearson Hall, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-2205.  For further information please contact Peggy Mook: 515-294-4229,  Iowa State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Margaret S. Mook
Associate Professor
Chair, Classical Studies Program
Foreign Languages and Literatures
300 Pearson Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-2205

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