Mount Allison: Generalist (one year) The Department of Classics invites applications for a one-year term Dr. Ivan M. Cohen Applications will be accepted until April 15, 2004 or until the position is Mount Allison University has an employment equity programme and encourages ... seen in the Canadian Classical Bulletin 11:46:42 AM |
University of Haifa: Underwater Archaeology (rank and track open) The Graduate Department of Maritime Civilizations and the research institute associated with it, The Recanati Institute for Maritime Studies, are internationally recognized pioneers and leaders in inter- and multi-disciplinary research on human interactions with the sea, focusing primarily, but not exclusively on the Mediterranean. It offers graduate degrees (MA and PhD) that combine, variously, the fields of marine and coastal archaeology, nautical technology, maritime history, marine geology, coastal geomorphology and marine biology. Short-listed candidates will be invited to give a job talk and be interviewed. International applicants will do so via video-conference. ... seen on various lists 11:45:58 AM |
Princeton University The Princeton University Library, one of the world's most respected Available: Immediately; 50% time position The Princeton University Library is seeking a Curator of Numismatics 1. Care and security of the numismatics collection, and maintenance of 2. Selection of numismatic books for the circulating collections of the 3. Working with donors to encourage gifts to the numismatic collection. 4. Accessioning, describing, and physically integrating coins, medal, 5. Brief annual reports of significant acquisitions for the Library 6. Provision on request of information about the collection (including 7. Provision, for both these groups, of supervised access to collection 8. Brief loans of coins, at the curator's discretion, for display in 9. Supervision, on request, of Princeton undergraduate and graduate work Princeton?s Numismatic Collection contains some 20,000 coins, medals, This position reports to the Curator of Manuscripts. Qualifications: Advanced degree in Classics, History ( Ancient Compensation and Benefits: Compensation will be competitive and Nominations and Applications: Review of applications will begin Submissions via regular mail are also welcomed and can be sent to: Search Committee for Curator of Numismatics PRINCETON UNIVERSITY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ... seen on various lists 11:33:16 AM |