Latest update: 10/8/2004; 5:50:10 AM
Classical Employment
quidquid bene dictum est ab ullo, meum est ~ Seneca
~ JOB: Greek Philology at UTenn (tenure track)

The Department of Classics has been authorized to make an appointment in Greek philology at the rank of tenure-track Assistant Professor. Ph.D. required. The expertise sought is the fifth and fourth centuries BCE. The successful candidate will show strong promise of scholarly achievement, demonstrated excellence in teaching the classical languages, and demonstrated capability to teach an upper-division undergraduate survey of Greek History. Salary will be $43,000-45,000, commensurate with experience. We will begin to screen applications on November 15, 2004, and will continue to review them until the position is filled. Please send application and dossier to Elizabeth Sutherland, Chair of the Search Committee, Department of Classics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-0413. Please address inquiries to  The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and employment programs and services. Thursday, September 02, 2004 6:01:01 AM

Employment listings in Classics, Ancient History, and Language Teaching culled from various sources.

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