================================================================ explorator 6.25 October 19, 2003 ================================================================ Editor's note: Most urls should be active for at least eight hours from the time of publication.
For your computer's protection, Explorator is sent in plain text and NEVER has attachments. Be suspicious of any Explorator which arrives otherwise!!! ================================================================ ================================================================
Thanks to Arthur Shippee, Bill Kennedy, Donna Hurst, Hank Kratt, Gene Barkley, Jay Marlles, John Hill, John McMahon, Tony Jackson, Steve Rankin, Maurice O'Sullivan, Michael Oberndorf, Mike Ruggeri, George Pesely, W. Richard Frahm, Sally Winchester and Yonatan Nadelman for headses upses this week (as always hoping I have left no one out).
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=============================================================== ================================================================ AFRICA, EUROPE, AND ASIA ================================================================ One of the earliest examples of the (controlled, presumably) use of fire in Europe has been found on the blessed isle:
Finds from the Republic of Georgia are causing some rethinking of bits of the "out of Africa" theory:
http://tinyurl.com/rh8h (Scientific American)
The French and British are scrapping over the antiquity of Chauvet Cave's petroglyphs:
http://tinyurl.com/r9pm (Telegraph)
There is perhaps some evidence of the people of Israel's sojourn in Egypt:
Lasers are revealing more info about Stonehenge:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/wiltshire/3196284.stm http://www.wessexarch.co.uk/press/stonehenge_lasers.html http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994288 http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/news/story/0,11711,1065671,00.html
A fifth-century AD/CE synagogue has been found in Albania:
http://tinyurl.com/rh4v (Jerusalem Post) http://tinyurl.com/rh9f (Baptist Standard)
Some Saxon fishtraps (10th century) have been found in Bridgewater Bay:
The first physical evidence of the Battle of Bannockburn has been found in the form of stirrups:
http://www.news.scotsman.com/scitech.cfm?id=1147292003 http://tinyurl.com/rh9m (Telegraph)
A 2500 b.p. grave has been found in Phu Tho (Vietnam ... scroll down a bit):
An 7600 b.p. "heating wall" has been excavated in Northern China:
The latest from Ayodhya has folks protesting the finds:
http://tinyurl.com/rh9g (Newsday) ================================================================ THE AMERICAS ================================================================ Evidence of human presence in the Queen Charlotte Islands dating to 11,000 b.p. has been found:
http://tinyurl.com/rh5s (Canada.com)
'Brazoria Woman' may embody the oldest human remains in North America ... or not:
Last week we mentioned the dig at Shiloh Mound Complex at Shiloh National Military Park ... turns out the dig has an excellent website, full of photos and summaries:
http://www.cr.nps.gov/seac/Shiloh-2001/shiloh-2001.htm cf: http://tinyurl.com/qmny (AJC)
They're going to rebury the Miami Circle to protect it from erosion:
http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/7024098.htm http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=35143
There is now evidence that food had to be imported to feed workers who were building the big edifices of Chaco Canyon:
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/14/science/14OBSE.html http://tinyurl.com/rh2h (CNN) http://www.msnbc.com/news/979878.asp http://tinyurl.com/rh35 (AP via Yahoo) http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,36~53~1696708,00.html
A brief item (scroll down a bit) on the discovery of an inscription from Palenque which makes reference to human sacrifice:
Archaeologists have found remains of a cabin which may have housed slaves on property once owned by Thomas Jefferson:
Archaeologists are planning a major dig near Frederick, Maryland where a large slave village site is supposed to be:
A bell might help confirm whether a shipwreck is, in fact, the S.S. Republic:
The braintrust at Nazca has set up a garbage dump within the site of the ancient lines:
http://www.msnbc.com/news/980498.asp http://tinyurl.com/rh68 (AP via Yahoo)
Newsday has a nice feature on a project to map the Military Road (New York ... hey, isn't that where all the outlet malls are?):
An investigation is being launched into the damage done by Isabel at Jamestown:
http://tinyurl.com/rh6a (AP via Yahoo)
A touristy sort of thing on Machu Picchu:
================================================================ ALSO OF INTEREST ================================================================ On the DNA front, we have Y-Chromosome markers suggesting folks arrived in the 'new world' only ca. 14000 bp:
The 'real' Lawrence of Arabia seems to be getting a fair bit of press coverage in anticipation of a PBS documentary:
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25393-2003Oct14.html http://www.khilafah.com/home/category.php?DocumentID=8496&TagID=1
Cannibalism was apparently normal, once upon a time:
http://tinyurl.com/rh9x (Telegraph)
The Boston Globe has a feature on the MFA's Egyptian Collection's centennial:
Given the events of last week, folks might be interested in a sort of overview of previous ferry disasters in New York:
Oman is hoping more of its sites will make the World Heritage list:
Iraqi museum officials are to undergo intensive training at the British Museum to hone their skills in restoring damaged artifacts (and damage is extensive, as might be suspected):
Zahi Hawass seems to be defending himself again in Al-Ahram:
Since I've featured some items from this collection at my blog prior to their coming to auction, folks might be interested in the background of the Bill Blass collection (what I want to know is is why he had collected so many arms of ancient statuary):
A chatty sort of thing about the Met being open on Mondays and who is taking advantage of it:
Italy's replica of the Globe Theatre opened this week:
This is really a repeat, but I just stumbled on this one ... the list of the World's Most Endangered Monuments was a feature (with photos) in Archaeology Magazine a couple of weeks ago:
http://tinyurl.com/rh3b cf: http://www.wmf.org/html/programs/watchlist2004.html
A progress report (sort of) on the cleaning of the statue of David:
http://tinyurl.com/rh3g (Guardian)
Robin Hood's bones may have been dug up in the 18th century:
http://tinyurl.com/rh6e (BBC)
Since it is such a slow news week, folks might be interested in perusing a website devoted to William Mesny ("A British Pioneer in China") ... hit next a couple of times and you'll get the 'book' (interesting stuff):
... and the fact that they're still looking for Amelia Earhart:
http://www.guampdn.com/news/stories/20031014/localnews/445988.html ================================================================ MAGAZINES AND JOURNALS ================================================================ The Atlantic Magazine has a feature on articles which appeared in Atlantic Magazine (with links) about pirates and piracy in various periods:
http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/flashbks/pirates.htm ================================================================ ON THE WEB ================================================================ An interesting item on chopmarking silver coins:
http://www.sycee-on-line.com/Chopmark_publication.htm ================================================================ NEW ONLINE BOOKS ================================================================ Theodore Martin, *Horace*
Plautus, *Captivi and Mostellaria" (trans. Riley):
http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/gutbook/lookup?num=7282 ================================================================ CRIME BEAT ================================================================ Time (Asia) has a major feature on the theft of artifacts from sites in Southeast Asia:
Police in Turkey seized a pile of purloined Hittite, Seljuk, and Roman artifacts this week:
Did Yale's Skull and Bones society desecrate Native American graves?
A reward has been offered for information regarding the looting of an archaeological cave site in Wyoming:
Another Greek farmer caught with antiqutities:
http://www.whnt19.com/Global/story.asp?S=1487647 ================================================================ BOOK REVIEWS ================================================================ Leon Kass,*Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis*:
Peter Nichols, *Evolution's Captain: The Dark Fate of the Man Who Sailed Charles Darwin Around the World*:
Colin Renfrew, *Figuring it Out*
http://tinyurl.com/rh93 (Telegraph)
TLS has a reviewish sort of thing by Mary Beard on various approaches to Pompeii:
http://www.the-tls.co.uk/this_week/story.asp?story_id=29055 ================================================================ PERFORMANCES ================================================================ Assorted Shakespeare:
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/19/arts/theater/19WOLF.html (AYLI) http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/19/arts/theater/19PAPA.html (Ham) http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/19/arts/theater/19BRAN.html (TN) ================================================================ EXHIBITIONS ================================================================ El Greco:
http://www.newyorker.com/critics/art/?031020craw_artworld http://www.newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/arts/art/reviews/n_9298/
Hunt for Paradise: Court Arts of Iran 1501-1576:
Petra: Lost City of Stone:
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/17/arts/design/17GLUE.html http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/15/nyregion/15PROF.html http://www.npr.org/display_pages/features/feature_1471021.html
================================================================ CLASSICIST'S CORNER ================================================================ Keep your eye open for this one ... it's all about what/who killed Alexander the Great:
In case you missed it at rogueclassicism earlier this week (shame!), the Scotsman had an *excellent* piece on why learning Latin and Greek is important:
AthensNews has a feature on ancient proverbs:
Peter Jones: http://tinyurl.com/rh6g
Akropolis News in Classical Greek (on hiatus?): http://www.akwn.net/
Radio Finland's Nuntii Latini http://www.yle.fi/fbc/latini/trans.html
Radio Bremen's Der Monatsrückblick - auf Latein http://www.radiobremen.de/online/latein/
U.S. Weather in Latin: http://latin.wunderground.com/ ================================================================ REPEATS ================================================================ Bactrian Hoard Recovered:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/news/story/0,11711,1066363,00.html ================================================================ OTHER SOURCES OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL NEWS ================================================================ About.com Ancient History (blog): http://ancienthistory.about.com/
About.com Archaeology (blog): http://archaeology.about.com/mbody.htm
Archaeologica: http://www.archaeologica.org/NewsPage.htm
Archaeology Magazine's Newsbriefs: http://www.archaeology.org/magazine.php?page=0305/newsbriefs/index
Bible and Interpretation Breaking News: http://www.bibleinterp.com/news.htm
CBA Newsfeed: http://www.britarch.ac.uk/newsfeed/index.html
CBA Archaeoblog: http://www.britarch.ac.uk/archaeoblog/
Classics in Contemporary Culture (blog): http://www.people.memphis.edu/~mhooker/ccc.html
Cronaca (blog): http://www.cronaca.com/
Francis Deblauwe's 'Iraq War and Archaeology' site: http://cctr.umkc.edu/user/fdeblauwe/iraq.html
Maritime Underwater Archaeological News: http://www.munarchaeology.com/munarchaeology/news/main.htm
Megalithic Portal http://www.megalithic.co.uk
Michael Ruggeri's Ancient America and Mesoamerica News: http://community-2.webtv.net/@HH!35!F6!26C030D734B7/Topiltzin-2091/AncientAmericaand/
Mirabilis.ca (blog): http://www.mirabilis.ca
Paleojudaica (blog): http://paleojudaica.blogspot.com
Phluzein (blog): http://www.binref.com/phluzein/
Stone Pages Archaeo News: http://www.stonepages.com/news/
Texas A&M Anthropology News Site: http://www.tamu.edu/anthropology/news.html
================================================================ EXPLORATOR is a weekly newsletter representing the fruits of the labours of 'media research division' of The Atrium. Various on-line news and magazine sources are scoured for news of the ancient world (broadly construed: practically anything relating to archaeology or history prior to about 1700 or so is fair game) and every Sunday they are delivered to your mailbox free of charge! ================================================================ Useful Addresses ================================================================ Read the latest Explorator on the web at: http://www.atrium-media.com/rogueclassicism/categories/explorator
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