================================================================ explorator 6.23 October 5, 2003 ================================================================ Editor's note: Most urls should be active for at least eight hours from the time of publication.
For your computer's protection, Explorator is sent in plain text and NEVER has attachments. Be suspicious of any Explorator which arrives otherwise!!! ================================================================ ================================================================
Thanks to Arthur Shippee, Bill Kennedy, Dave Sowdon, David Detrich, Donna Hurst, Hernan Astudillo,John McMahon, John McChesney-Young, 'JPisc98537', Kate Gilbert, Laurence Horn, Louis A. Okin, Mark Morgan, Morag Kersel (fellow Queen's Grad!), Michael Oberndorf, Paola Raffeta, Paul James Cowie, Pippin Michelli, Sally Winchester, Pirjo Hamari, Tony Jackson, W. Richard Frahm, and Yonatan Nadelman for headses upses this week (as always hoping I have left no one out).
Have you visited our blog yet?
http://www.atrium-media.com/rogueclassicism/ ================================================================ ================================================================ AFRICA, EUROPE, AND ASIA ================================================================ We begin with a somewhat difficult-to-read piece on the excavation of Azikh cave (a paleolithic site in/near Azerbaijan):
There's a new explanation for those 'cart ruts' on Malta:
http://tinyurl.com/prz4 (Guardian) http://www.maltamedia.com/cgibin/news03/print.pl?article=3630
Last week we mentioned the discovery of an Iron Age Silver hoard in Lapland (Inari, Finland) ... here's much better coverage (with photos) sent in from someone closer to the discovery:
Lottery money has helped Bolton Museum to acquire a statue of Nefertiti's daughter from a private collector:
A third season of excavation is under way at a Sassanid site in Iran's city of Takab;
Alas, as mentioned far too often here and elsewhere, looting of archaeological sites in Iraq continues on a near-massive scale:
http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/cst-nws-ancient30.html http://tinyurl.com/prt5 (Arab Times ... scroll down a bit)
In a related bit, PBS has transcripts and online video of an interview with Col. Michael Bogdanos:
Last week we mentioned new rules which would apply to foreign missions digging in Egypt ... now Zahi Hawass is defending those rules:
... he's also still talking about Nefertiti's mummy:
Israel's Antiquities Authority is considering selling pottery shards which are found during digs:
http://tinyurl.com/prus (Ha'aretz)
Big news this week of the discovery of a Roman patera inscribed with names of fortresses (and other things) near Hadrian's wall:
http://tinyurl.com/prrv (Telegraph) http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,3604,1052925,00.html http://tinyurl.com/prso (ABC)
see also this entry from our blog:
Archaeologists are excavating some of the older layers of Pompeii:
Sixth-century remains have been found in Hanoi:
http://tinyurl.com/przn (VNA)
The UK's 'Long Man of Wilmington' has now been dated to the mid-16th century (A.D./C.E.):
http://tinyurl.com/prsa (Telegraph) ================================================================ THE AMERICAS ================================================================ There was much coverage of the 'pageantry' to rebury a number of remains of slaves found during office construction more than a decade ago:
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/04/nyregion/04BURI.html http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/national/AP-African-Burial.html http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/02/nyregion/02PROF.html http://tinyurl.com/prqg (NY Daily News) http://tinyurl.com/prqh (WCBS)
related website: http://www.africanburialground.com/
Latest news from Hunley:
http://www.charlotte.com/mld/observer/news/local/6936675.htm http://www.charleston.net/stories/100403/hun_04hunley.shtml
There's supposedly a hidden code lurking on the back of the Declaration of Independence (or is it just a movie?):
http://washingtontimes.com/national/20030929-123101-6547r.htm (scroll down a bit)
This one's been kicking around for a while ... an Egyptian professor is launching a lawsuit to reclaim gold taken by the Jews during the Exodus (yes, my mind is boggling too):
http://www.dailystar.com.lb/features/30_09_03_c.asp ================================================================ ALSO OF INTEREST ================================================================ On the DNA front, dingoes are apparently descended from domestic dogs:
The Chicago Tribune has a nice piece on the Oriental Institute's collection:
A new method of dating pottery based on fat preserved in pottery walls looks interesting:
http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2003/09/030930055244.htm http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2003-09/acs-ta092903.php
An interesting piece on different motives for France and Britain in their involvement in Egypt:
http://tinyurl.com/prs8 (Guardian) http://www.artdaily.com/links.asp?idl=28&id=173
A letter to the editor on what life is like being an archaeologist in Greece:
http://tinyurl.com/przd (eKathimerini)
The Vinland Map is in the news again (sort of):
A week or so ago, the Brooklyn Museum reopened its Egyptian galleries ... now its European Painting collection is back on view:
An article in the New Yorker on the relationship between John Churton Collins and Edmund Gosse:
Folks might want to read a William Safire editorialish thing on the recovery of the Warka Mask:
The Hope Diamond underwent some tests this week:
http://www.msnbc.com/news/975467.asp ================================================================ MAGAZINES AND JOURNALS ================================================================ The Atlantic has a nice piece on what lies beneath St. Peter's:
To be quite honest, I'm not sure what the title of this journal in the making is ... it was mentioned on the ANE list and has to do with Egyptology; there's a couple of full text articles available as .pdf's:
Archaeology (September/October 2003):
Bible Review (October 2003):
http://www.bib-arch.org/bswb_BR/bswbBRKprd.html ================================================================ ON THE WEB ================================================================ The Etruscans: An Ancient Culture Revealed (museum exhibition site):
Lesley Adkins, "Cuneiform and the Bible":
Gerd Ludemann, "The Life of Jesus: A Brief Assessment":
http://www.bibleinterp.com/articles/Ludemann_Life0fJesus.htm ================================================================ CRIME BEAT ================================================================ The latest case involving Nazi art theft (or not ... this one's kind of strange):
Rubens''Tarquin and Lucretia' has been (or will be) returned to Germany after the Russian government confiscated it from its most recent 'owner':
There seems to have been some confusion about Afghanistan's 'Bactrian Gold' and whether it had, in fact, survived the Taliban:
Oxford's Christ Church College is in a dispute with Nippon Dental University over the ownership of a text by Vesalius:
Ethiopia has recovered a book of Psalms looted by British soldiers 150 years ago:
http://tinyurl.com/prtw (Yahoo)
Egyptian authorities recovered a number of items in Italy this week:
http://www.uk.sis.gov.eg/online/html10/o300923e.htm ================================================================ BOOK REVIEWS ================================================================ Brenda Wineapple, *Hawthorne: A Life*:
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/05/books/review/05ALLENT.html http://tinyurl.com/prq3 (first chapter)
Neal Stephenson, *Quicksilver* (fiction)
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/05/books/review/05SCHULMT.html http://tinyurl.com/prq9 (first chapter) ================================================================ PERFORMANCES ================================================================ Henry IV, Part I:
The Gospel of John (the 'other' Jesus movie):
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/29/movies/29GOSP.html ================================================================ DON'T EAT THAT ELMER (A.K.A. CVM GRANO SALIS) ================================================================ ================================================================ EXHIBITIONS ================================================================ Lice and Clothing History:
Russia Engages the World: 1453-1825:
El Greco (Met):
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/03/arts/X03KIMM.html http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/29/arts/design/29GREC.html
Return of the Buddha:
http://tinyurl.com/prtd (Yahoo) ================================================================ CLASSICIST'S CORNER ================================================================ Much more of Classical interest can be found at our blog, of course, (which I keep flogging here because my tracking service suggests it isn't being consulted much by people with edu addresses! ... there's job listings, calls for papers, more ephemeral news items and plenty more):
Swedish researchers suggest Constantine's vision might have been the result of a meteor shower:
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3013146.stm http://tinyurl.com/prui (Space Today)
The Public Interest has a lengthy piece trying to figure out Leo Strauss:
Plenty of ClassCon in this piece from the Guardian about Boris Johnson:
AthensNews has a touristy sort of thing on Kythira:
... and a nice piece on why Classics *should* be enjoying a revival:
Let's cheer on the Classics major on Jeopardy!:
Peter Jones (apparently the Spectator isn't payfer):
Akropolis News in Classical Greek (on hiatus?): http://www.akwn.net/
Radio Finland's Nuntii Latini http://www.yle.fi/fbc/latini/trans.html
Radio Bremen's Der Monatsrückblick - auf Latein http://www.radiobremen.de/online/latein/
U.S. Weather in Latin: http://latin.wunderground.com/ ================================================================ REPEATS ================================================================ Alaskan Munitions Factory:
Anglo-Saxon 'Warrior Princess':
Earliest Modern Human in Europe:
Dietary Shift From Surf to Turf:
Redating the Maya:
Roman Amphitheatre in Corduba:
http://tinyurl.com/prrx (IOL)
Religious Toleration in Spain:
http://www.nytimes.com/2003/09/27/arts/27SPAI.html ================================================================ OTHER SOURCES OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL NEWS ================================================================ About.com Ancient History (blog): http://ancienthistory.about.com/
About.com Archaeology (blog): http://archaeology.about.com/mbody.htm
Archaeologica: http://www.archaeologica.org/NewsPage.htm
Archaeology Magazine's Newsbriefs: http://www.archaeology.org/magazine.php?page=0305/newsbriefs/index
Bible and Interpretation Breaking News: http://www.bibleinterp.com/news.htm
CBA Newsfeed: http://www.britarch.ac.uk/newsfeed/index.html
CBA Archaeoblog: http://www.britarch.ac.uk/archaeoblog/
Classics in Contemporary Culture (blog): http://www.people.memphis.edu/~mhooker/ccc.html
Cronaca (blog): http://www.cronaca.com/
Francis Deblauwe's 'Iraq War and Archaeology' site: http://cctr.umkc.edu/user/fdeblauwe/iraq.html
Maritime Underwater Archaeological News: http://www.munarchaeology.com/munarchaeology/news/main.htm
Megalithic Portal http://www.megalithic.co.uk
Michael Ruggeri's Ancient America and Mesoamerica News: http://community-2.webtv.net/@HH!35!F6!26C030D734B7/Topiltzin-2091/AncientAmericaand/
Mirabilis.ca (blog): http://www.mirabilis.ca
Paleojudaica (blog): http://paleojudaica.blogspot.com
Phluzein (blog): http://www.binref.com/phluzein/
Stone Pages Archaeo News: http://www.stonepages.com/news/
Texas A&M Anthropology News Site: http://www.tamu.edu/anthropology/news.html
================================================================ EXPLORATOR is a weekly newsletter representing the fruits of the labours of 'media research division' of The Atrium. Various on-line news and magazine sources are scoured for news of the ancient world (broadly construed: practically anything relating to archaeology or history prior to about 1700 or so is fair game) and every Sunday they are delivered to your mailbox free of charge! ================================================================ Useful Addresses ================================================================ Read the latest Explorator on the web at: http://www.atrium-media.com/rogueclassicism/categories/explorator
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