Latest update: 11/21/2004; 9:57:41 AM
Classical Events |
quidquid bene dictum est ab
ullo, meum est ~ Seneca |
~ CFP: Technology, Knowledge, and Society
THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNOLOGY, KNOWLEDGE AND SOCIETY University of California, Berkeley, Friday 18 - Sunday 20 February 2005
This conference takes a broad and cross-disciplinary approach to technology in society. With a particular focus on digital information and communications technologies, the interests addressed by the conference include: human usability, technologies for citizenship and community participation, and learning technologies. Participants will include researchers, teachers and practitioners whose interests are either technical or humanistic, or whose work crosses over between the applied technological and social sciences.
As well as an impressive line up of international main speakers, the conference will also include numerous paper, workshop and colloquium presentations. We would particularly like to invite you to respond to the conference call for papers. Papers submitted for the conference proceedings will be fully peer-refereed and published in print and electronic formats in the new International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. If you are unable to attend the conference in person, virtual registrations are also available which allow you to submit a paper for refereeing and possible publication in this fully refereed academic journal, as well as access to the electronic version of the conference proceedings. The deadline for the first round call for papers is 30 November 2004. Proposals are reviewed within two weeks of submission.
Full details of the conference, including an online call for papers form, are to be found at the conference website.
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::Sunday, November 21, 2004 9:57:33 AM::
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Rogueclassicism Calls for papers, conferences, symposia and other meetings/presentations of research in the fields of Classics, Ancient History, and Classical Archaeology
© Copyright 2004 David Meadows