Latest update: 11/16/2004; 4:53:23 AM
Classical Events |
quidquid bene dictum est ab
ullo, meum est ~ Seneca |
~ CFP: Cartography in Antiquity
The Committee for Medieval Studies of the University of British Columbia invites paper proposals for this conference to be held on October 28-29, 2005 on the UBC campus in Vancouver. The scope of the conference will match that of J. Brian Harley and David Woodward (eds.), The History of Cartography, vol. 1. Eighteen years after the publication of that seminal work this conference will offer a unique forum to highlight, distill and reflect upon the remarkable progress made in so many areas since 1987, thereby honouring the memory of the joint editors, and in particular David Woodward, deceased August 25, 2004. Looking to the future, the conference is also specifically designed to foster closer interaction between scholars of antiquity and of the Middle Ages who engage with maps.
Proposals are especially welcome which discuss recent discoveries, the value of fresh perspectives and methodologies, insights gained from the exploitation of new technology, relationships between ancient and medieval cartography, and significant current work in progress. Graduate students in Canadian institutions and elsewhere are welcome to submit proposals. Papers are not to exceed 20 minutes. All proposals, including an abstract of 500 words maximum, should be sent by e-mail to the organizers, Richard Talbert (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill) <> and Richard W. Unger (UBC) <> to arrive no later than 20 March, 2005. Proposers whose papers are selected will be notified by 15 May, 2005. Some financial support may be available to assist participation in the conference.
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