October 5, 2003

the ancient world on television               october 6-12, 2003
All times Eastern

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Monday, October 6
8.00 p.m. |DCIVC| The Vikings: Trail of the Vikings

9.00 p.m. |HISTU| The Real Attila the Hun
"No ruler in history represents the unbridled rage and
brutality of the barbarian as much as Attila the Hun. In the 5th
century, Attila swept through Europe, effectively extinguishing
the classical Roman Empire. And for a time, he held the destiny
of all of Western Europe firmly in his grasp. But in the end, it
was Attila who unwittingly secured the future of the civilized
world and Christian Europe. After his death, the Hun Empire
began to break up, and the marauding Huns "scattered to the
winds." "

Tuesday, October 7
4.00 p.m. |DCIVC|Egypt's Ten Plagues

7.00 p.m. |HINT| Samson and Delilah
"Explores the theory that the Philistines kept Samson, not as a
laborer, but as a sex slave in order to breed a race of giants."

9.00 p.m. |HISTC| Return to The Valley of Kings
"For the first time in three-quarters of a century a member of
the Carnarvon family returns to the site of Tutankhamun's tomb.
Weeks after discovering the tomb in 1922, the Earl of Carnarvon
died from a deadly mosquito bite. His family became associated
with a curse, which has haunted them for three generations. Lord
Porchester, great grandson of the Earl, defies the hex and
returns to supervise an excavation Thebes by family
archaeologist Nigel Strudwick. But will history repeat itself?"

10.00 p.m. |HISTC| The Last of the Vikings
"The Viking Age in England was 250 years of raids, invasions,
settlement and migration. In the Isle of Man, the Vikings went
on ruling for another 200 years. Even today, they have a Viking
style parliament. Orkney remained Viking even longer and
Shetland was Norwegian until the 19th Century. But what about
the genes? David Goldstein, a geneticist who has pioneered
important work in tracing populations through history and across
continents has taken on his biggest task with the Viking
project. 2,500 men across Britain and several hundred more
across Europe have painted a picture of not only where the
Vikings settled in Britain, but also where the small Northern
area in Norway the Norsemen came from."

10.00 p.m. |HINT| The Greatest Journeys on Earth: Greece:
Journeys to the Gods
"After creating the pantheon of pagan gods, Greece converted to
the Christian god. The monks built imposing monasteries nestled
in the most remote nooks, coastal cliffs, and volcanic islands.
Join us as our travels take us from the splendors of ancient
Greek religious sites to the glories of the mighty Byzantine
Empire and its heritage as traced through the awesome meteora at
Mount Athos, and Patmos Island, where St. John, the Evangelist,
is said to have written the "Apocalypse"."

11.00 p.m. |HINT| The Hidden City of Petra
"Story of the Nabataeans, a desert people who carved the city
of Petra out of the Jordanian mountains some 2,000 years ago.
Their culture flourished, then disappeared. We visit the site of
the amazing sculpted city, which included temples and colonnaded
market streets."

Wednesday, October 8
4.00 p.m. |DCIVC| Byzantium: Envy of the World

5.00 p.m. |DCIVC| Galileo

6.00 p.m. |HISTU| The First Americans
"Columbus was convinced they were from India; others thought
them descendents of Atlantis or the Lost Tribes of Israel.
Serious study began when Thomas Jefferson became fascinated by
tools and mounds found throughout the New World. Join today's
archaeologists searching the Americas for evidence to pinpoint
when man first arrived."

6.00 p.m. |HINT| The Greatest Journeys on Earth: Greece:
Journeys to the Gods
"After creating the pantheon of pagan gods, Greece converted to
the Christian god. The monks built imposing monasteries nestled
in the most remote nooks, coastal cliffs, and volcanic islands.
Join us as our travels take us from the splendors of ancient
Greek religious sites to the glories of the mighty Byzantine
Empire and its heritage as traced through the awesome meteora at
Mount Athos, and Patmos Island, where St. John, the Evangelist,
is said to have written the "Apocalypse"."

7.00 p.m. |HINT| Jacob's Ladder
"Story of Jacob's magnificent stairway to heaven. Includes a
trip to the Middle East to explore 4,000-year-old ruins that
some believe were the palaces of Jacob and his son."

7.30 p.m. |DCIVC| Ancient Clues: The Mummy's Curse

8.00 p.m. |PBS| The Great Fire of Rome
"In the early hours of July 19, 64 AD, a fire broke out in the
great city of Rome and spread across the city, engulfing some of
the greatest buildings in antiquity. Rome, by then a teeming
city of more than one million inhabitants, was utterly
devastated. Worse still, the finger of suspicion was pointed at
Rome's frivolous emperor, Nero. Had the ruler of the Roman
Empire burnt down his own capital city in order to fulfill his
own wild dreams of building a new city dedicated to himself?
Through careful historical investigation and using modern
techniques in forensic analysis, this program examines the
fire's origin, and offers a compelling new explanation for who
or what was responsible. "

9.00 p.m. |DISCC| Vesuvius: Deadly Fury
"Remains of 300 skeletons found huddled in 12 vaults on the
beach at Herculaneum offer a unique chance to reconstruct life
in the 1st century AD; computer graphics re-create the eruption
of Vesuvius in 79 AD."

10.00 p.m. |DISCU| Who Killed Jesus?
"Explore the figures, events and political climate surrounding
the execution of Jesus of Nazareth. Experts examine the
motivations and methods of Herod, Pontius Pilate, the temple
priests, the judicial system and the crowd calling for Jesus'

11.00 p.m. |HINT| How Did They Build That?: Arches
"British engineer Scott Steedman views three stunning examples
of one of the most reliable and enduring structural forms--the
arch. In France, he visits the Pont du Gard near Nimes, the
highest Roman aqueduct in the world, with its tiers of round
arches. Then in Koln, Germany, he investigates the largest
Gothic cathedral in the world for which medieval masons used two
types of arch--the pointed and flat. And at the Lufthansa
Tecknik Jumbo Hangar in Hamburg, he examines a modern use of the
double arch."
Thursday, October 9
4.00 p.m. |DCIVC| Secrets of the Skies: Stonehenge - Sex And
The Stones

4.00 p.m. |DISCC| Vesuvius: Deadly Fury
"Remains of 300 skeletons found huddled in 12 vaults on the
beach at Herculaneum offer a unique chance to reconstruct life
in the 1st century AD; computer graphics re-create the eruption
of Vesuvius in 79 AD."

7.00 p.m. |HINT| The Rise of Christianity: The First 1000
Years, Pt. 2
"Covers the years between 312 AD, when the Emperor Constantine
converted to Christianity, and 461 AD, when Rome "fell" to the
barbarian Goths. They were heady days that saw the birth of the
monastic movement, the codification of the faith, and creation
of the New Testament canon as we recognize it today."

8.00 p.m. |DCIVC| Meet The Ancestors: Napoleon's Lost Army
Friday, October 10
2.00 p.m. |HISTU| England's Great Wall
"Stretching roughly 80 miles across northern England, Hadrian's
Wall split the country in two, serving as a barrier against Pict
marauders. Did the Roman army build the wall to protect their
new province, or as some historians argue, to build-up the
phenomenal ego of Emperor Hadrian, which was nearly as big as
the wall itself?"

3.00 p.m. |HISTU| The Knights of Camelot
"King Arthur, Merlin, Lancelot, Guinevere, and the Knights of
the Round Table--are they figures from fanciful fable or
portraits from a pagan past? Travel back to early England and
Wales to unravel the Arthurian legend and learn why the yearning
for Camelot and chivalry survives."

4.00 p.m. |DCIVC| Evidence of Vikings

4.00 p.m. |HISTU| England's Lost Castles
"During the early Middle Ages in England, timber castles were
the dominant fortifications--yet today, only mounds of earth
remain where the wooden wonders once stood. How did changing
times and technological advances topple these timber citadels in
favor of stone fortresses?"

6.00 p.m. |HISTU| America's Stonehenge
"Mystery Hill, called America's Stonehenge, is a gigantic
confusion of walls, caves, and tunnels running across 30 acres
of hillside in rural Salem, New Hampshire. This arrangement of
ancient stones is believed to be astronomically aligned to solar
and lunar events. Carbon dating places the site as being 4,000
years old--before Columbus! What culture was advanced enough to
move 11-ton pieces of stone? Who constructed this sophisticated
labyrinth of stones to measure the summer and winter solstices?"

7.00 p.m. |HINT| Ramses the Great: Pharaoh for All Time
"A fascinating portrait of the charismatic Pharaoh who
conquered nations, built legendary temples and fathered more
than 100 children in his 67-year reign."

8.00 p.m. |DTC| Lost Treasures of the Yangtze Valley
"As China constructs the world's largest and most powerful dam
on the Yangtze River, scholars and scientists race to uncover
and preserve artifacts that tell its story and and the story of
the people who have lived on its shores for over 50,000 years."

8.00 p.m. |DCIVC| Lost Tombs Of Peru
Saturday, October 11
5.00 p.m. |DTC| Spartans at the Gates of Fire Episode 1
"For 2,500 years, the Battle of Thermopylae has been as a
fierce conflict in the history of warfare. New research brings
the ancient battlefield to life and reveals whether 7,000
Spartan and Greek soldiers could have held off the Persian

6.00 p.m. |DTC| Spartans at the Gates of Fire Episode 2
Same description as above -- n.b. this thing is on several
times on this day and the next few ... check local listings if
you miss an episode.
Sunday, October 12
7.00 p.m. |DISCU|Who Killed Jesus?
"Explore the figures, events and political climate surrounding
the execution of Jesus of Nazareth. Experts examine the
motivations and methods of Herod, Pontius Pilate, the temple
priests, the judicial system and the crowd calling for Jesus'
                        Channel Guide

A&E     The Arts and Entertainment Channel (cable)
DTC     Discovery Times Channel (U.S. Cable)*
DCIVC   Discovery Civilization (Canadian Cable)
DISCC   Discovery Channel (Canadian Cable)
HINT    History International (U.S. Cable)
HISTU   The History Channel (U.S. Cable)
HISTC   History Television (Canadian Cable)
NGU     National Geographic Channel (U.S. Cable)*
PBS     Public Broadcasting System (U.S. National Schedule)
TLC     The Learning Channel (cable)

*n.b. Canadian versions of these two channels have recently
been made available although the Canadian versions don't seem
to be making their schedules available yet. For what it's worth,
the Canadian version does seem to 'match up' in regards to
ancient programming most of the time.
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