Latin Lit @ Stockton College (tenure track)
LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE -- September 2007, Tenure-track AssistantProfessor. Salaries competitive with excellent benefits.
Teach courses in classical Latin language, literature and culture
(including myth and daily life). Teach courses in History or
Literature of the ancient world and courses in the General Studies
curriculum. Teaching load is six four-hour courses per year. Ph.D.
required with college-level teaching experience preferred. Background
in classical Greek and Greek history and literature very desirable.
Scholarly research and pedagogical technology expertise will benefit
Send letter of application with teaching philosophy, C.V., and three
letters of recommendation to Dr. Robert Gregg, Dean of Arts and
Humanities, AA__, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, PO Box 195,
Pomona, NJ 08240-0195. Screening begins December 4, 2006, and will
continue until position is filled. Stockton is an AA/EOE.
[Classics List]