Latest update: 2/3/2005; 4:37:43 AM
Miscellaneous Announcements
quidquid bene dictum est ab ullo, meum est ~ Seneca
~ CFP (sort of ): Guid to the Gods and Goddesses

Interesting request via the Canadian Classical Bulletin:

My name is Shelley Rabinovitch, and I have taken on the task for the American publisher ABC-CLIO of revising their reference text "A Guide to the Gods" (as "Guide to the Gods and Goddesses") and am seeking contributors. Revised texts are due in early 2006, and ideally contributors will work at their own pace, sending me updates as they get through the easy part <just tweaking some of the old entries> and into the meaty work <writing or dramatically revising entries>.

We are both updating the existing entries, and where applicable, adding new entries and/or entire sections. Ideally I am seeking graduate students and/or faculty who can either edit the existing entries and/or add new entries where they see holes in the listings. Contributors can choose to work on just a few entries from one culture/area, or grab an entire culture/area if they so choose.

Many of the original sources cited in the first edition are badly out of date due to wonderful new research in many areas. I am looking for scholars who can work in English or other languages, who can translate from foreign-language texts (including Greek and Latin), etc.

There is some compensation available (both in copies of the completed book, and/or in cash), and it is a great chance for a new grad to get some academic publishing credit onto their c.v.'s. There are literally dozens of cultures and pantheons needing work. I have no specialists in Classical (Greek, Latin, Etruscan, etc. etc.), Asian religions (Chinese minority, Japanese, Tibet, etc. etc.), Polynesia/Micronesia/Melanesia, Southern and Eastern African tribal, Australasian, Central and/or South American, JUST to name a few.

I would appreciate the widest distribution of this request so that I can get a good start on revising and expanding the collection. I am looking for ethnographers and anthropologists, religionists, classicists, folklorists, etc. etc.

Please have interested parties contact me at:
Shelley Rabinovitch, PhD
Dept. of Classics and Religious Studies
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5

::Thursday, February 03, 2005 4:37:38 AM::

Miscellaneous Announcements of interest to Classicists and Ancient Historians.

Publishing schedule:
Rogueclassicism is updated daily, usually before 7.00 a.m. (Eastern) during the week. Give me a couple of hours to work on my sleep deficit on weekends and holidays, but still expect the page to be updated by 10.00 a.m. at the latest.

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