Latest update: 2/22/2005; 4:37:42 AM
Miscellaneous Announcements |
quidquid bene dictum est ab
ullo, meum est ~ Seneca |
~ For Teachers in Texas
Austin College Summer Latin Institute 2005 for Texas High School Teachers
How would you like to spend a week immersed in Latin—all-expenses-paid—learning about literature, culture, and the latest technology?
July 17-22, 2005, Austin College will present a unique immersion experience for Texas high school foreign language teachers. The Austin College Foreign Language Institute offers teachers an opportunity to refresh their language skills and develop new cultural and technology resources for their students. Teachers in each language—French, German, Latin, Spanish—will participate in the one-week, residential Institute with native speakers and faculty from Austin College’s Department of Classical and Modern Languages. In Latin—due to the fact that nearly all our native speakers are otherwise occupied—we will have as our “near native speaker” Laura Veal, Latin teacher at Highland Park H.S. and veteran of many summer programs with Fr. Reginald Foster in Rome.
All teachers who complete the Institute will receive 40 Continuing Professional Education Units.
If you would like to see what we have done in other institutes, our schedules for the 2002 and 2003 programs can be found at: and
What does the program cost? NOTHING. The Institute is funded by a generous grant from the Sid W. Richardson Foundation to promote foreign language teaching in Texas. Everything is included except travel to and from Sherman.
The deadline for applying to the Institute is April 1, 2005 (no kidding!). The Institute is open to all Texas high school foreign language teachers. We have had many requests from middle school teachers about previous Institutes and are glad to announce that we can consider middle school teachers for this year’s program. Please contact me for more information if you are a middle school teacher.
You may download a copy of the application and brochure at
What will we do in the workshop? Each day’s schedule includes culture and literature workshops during the day and additional cultural activities in the evening. Activities are conducted in small groups according to language. We will also have sessions about incorporating Internet materials into the Latin classroom. Most meals will be taken together, but each language group will have one night to prepare traditional food from one or more of the countries where the language is spoken. Participants speak their target language at all times. The atmosphere is informal and highly collegial.
Where will we live? Participants will lodge in the new $3,000,000 Jordan Family Language House. All workshops and events will take place in the classrooms and common rooms located in the House. This unique complex houses foreign language students at Austin College during the regular school year and was designed with language and culture immersion as its primary purpose. It is divided into four sections, one for each language, consisting of bedroom suites and a commons area. There is a kitchen where participants can create the culinary specialties of their countries. Two high-tech classrooms, a computer development room, and a residential computing facility support the educational activities of the House. State-of-the-art technology in the classrooms and total language immersion in the House offer an exceptional experience for participants and faculty.
How do I find out more? Consult our website at You may also contact this year’s Director, Truett Cates ( or 903 813-2376).
::Tuesday, February 22, 2005 4:37:27 AM::

Rogueclassicism Miscellaneous Announcements of interest to Classicists and Ancient Historians.
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Rogueclassicism is updated daily, usually before 7.00 a.m. (Eastern) during the week. Give me a couple of hours to work on my sleep deficit on weekends and holidays, but still expect the page to be updated by 10.00 a.m. at the latest.
© Copyright 2005 David Meadows