December 7, 2003

the ancient world on television             december 8-14, 2003
All times Eastern

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Monday, December 8
4.00 p.m.|DCIVC| Lost Mummy of Imhotep

7.30 p.m. |DCIVC| Creatures Fantastic: Mythical Horses

8.00 p.m.|TLC| The Priests of Amun
"Set against the backdrop of a nation in turmoil, this is the
story of a thirty year feud that tears apart a city and brings
down one of the most powerful dynasties in Egypt. A group of
priests gather to plot murder."

9.00 p.m. |TLC| The Cult of the Apis Bull
"This true story of sacred twins is told in a letter they wrote
to the Pharaoh over 2000 years ago. It's a tragic tale of greed
and betrayal that unfolds in the underworld of the great temple
city of Saqqara in the last decades of the Egyptian empire."

Tuesday, December 9
5.00 p.m. |DCIVC|The Most Evil Men in History: Caligula (12-41AD)

5.30 p.m. |DCIVC|Creatures Fantastic: Spirits of the Forest

7.00 p.m. |HINT|The Ten Commandments
"Originally, the Ten Commandments didn't mean the same things
as they do today. How was adultery different in the ancient
world? And what did it mean to honor your father and mother?
We'll study these intriguing questions and more."

9.00 p.m. |HISTC| Warrior School: Vikings
"A squad of riot police dressed as Vikings pit their skills
against life in the Dark Ages. "

10.00 p.m. |HISTC|Surviving The Iron Age (Episode 4)
"The renewed enthusiasm of the Iron Age group is short-lived,
with the family feuds continuing and Anne still struggling to
assert her authority. Phil Dale, an expert on motivation,
returns to give Anne advice on being tough with her subjects and
her first command is to get blacksmiths Ron and Brenda working
in the forge- but they first have to make their own set of
bellows. Little Rosie, Yasmin's four year old daughter, has not
been well and refuses to eat.

Food, however, is on everyone else's mind as they tire of lamb
and kale and fantasize about chocolate and chips, so Ceris tries
her hand at trapping rabbits to give everyone a change of diet.
Their genuine Iron Age hillfort was inhabited by ancient Celts
for over 700 years, so it is no surprise that the volunteers
experience strange happenings: Jody sees lightning inside her
roundhouse, Mark hears a woman singing in the night, and Chris
has a nocturnal visitation from a Druid."

11.00 p.m. |HINT| The Odyssey of Troy
"What is it about the legendary city that 3,200 years after its
fall, we still try to unravel Troy's mysteries? Scholars attempt
to answer the question by researching the Greek poet Homer,
possibly one of the greatest poets in Western Europe's history,
and his epic tale of love and war, and comparing his text to
archaeological sites."

Wednesday, December 10
7.00 p.m. |HINT| Incredible Monuments of Rome
"A look at the Colosseum, Pantheon, Forum, and other ancient
monuments that were often places of ritualistic human sacrifices
and torture."

8.00 p.m. |DISCU| Nubia: The Forgotten Kingdom
"Discovery Channel joins archaeologists Julie Andersen and
Salah Ahmed who have discovered Dangeil, a 2,000-year-old Nubian
city, a civilization that came to rival Egypt. Witness the dig
to seek clues to the mystery of the departure of Dangeil's

8.00 p.m. |DCIVC| In Pursuit of the Holy Grail

9.00 p.m. |DISCU|The Assassination of King Tut
"Did King Tut's gleaming death mask hide an ancient homicide?
Dead since 1323 B.C. and hastily mummified, Egypt's boy king lay
in an unfinished tomb until its 1922 discovery. Modern forensics
sheds light on what caused the blows to the King's skull."

9.00 p.m. |HINT| Time Team: Wadden, Dorset
"When Time Team descended on Wadden in Dorset, England, they
outnumbered residents--the village consists of 5 houses. They
were invited by neighbors David James and Grace Brooks, who
found a huge amount of old pottery in their shared garden during
excavations for a septic tank. The pottery dated from Medieval,
Roman, and Iron Age days. The name Wadden derives from Wode Hill
and dates back a 1,000 years, but what lies beneath the handful
of houses that remain? Time Team has 3 days to find out."

10.00 p.m. |HINT| Time Team: Basing, Hampshire
"Throughout the 16th century, the Paulet family played a key
role in affairs of the English state. Here, in its heyday, the
grand house played host to both Henry VIII and Elizabeth I--Mary
I and Philip II honeymooned in Basing House. But the Paulets
were Catholics and backed Charles I in the English Civil War.
Cromwell led a force of 7,000 men to capture the house and
destroy the stronghold. Join Time Team in their investigations
at Basing House, which prove both exciting and frustrating."
Thursday, December 11
5.00 p.m. |DCIVC| Egypt Uncovered: Chaos and Kings

7.00 p.m. |HINT| The Rise of Christianity: The First 1000
Years, Pt. 3
"The Eastern Roman Empire, based in Constantinople, survives in
splendor for a 1,000 years after Rome's fall. But the sands of
Arabia give birth to a new faith, Islam, that soon conquers half
of Christendom. Though Europe is mired in the Dark Ages, Irish
monks copy ancient texts, preserving them for the future."

8.00 p.m. |DCIVC| Meet The Ancestors: The Architect, The Clerk
& The Money

8.30 p.m. |DCIVC| Meet The Ancestors: The Chosen One

9.00 p.m. |PBS| From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians:
"Pax Romana" and "A Light to the Nations"

""Pax Romana"--This segment traces the life of Jesus, exploring
the message that helped his ministry grow and the events that
led to his crucifixion. Born in the reign of Emperor Augustus in
the Pax Romana -- the Roman Peace -- Jesus was a subject of the
Roman Empire. This first hour looks at how scholars and
archaeologists have pieced together a new portrait of where
Jesus was born, how he lived and who he was. "A Light to the
Nations"--The second hour turns from the life of Jesus to the
period that followed his death, examining the rise of
Christianity and concluding with the First Revolt -- the bloody
and violent siege of Jerusalem and the beginning of a rift
between Christianity and Judaism. "A Light to the Nations"
explores new evidence suggesting that Jesus' followers, because
of their diversity and the differences in their cultures and
languages, looked at and interpreted Jesus and his teachings in
many different ways." [i.e. this is three episodes; as with all
PBS programming, confirm against local listings]

11.00 p.m. |DCIVC| Seven Wonders of the World
Friday, December 12
8.00 p.m. |DTC| Spartans at the Gates of Fire (Episode 1)
"For 2,500 years, the Battle of Thermopylae has been as a
fierce conflict in the history of warfare. New research brings
the ancient battlefield to life and reveals whether 7,000
Spartan and Greek soldiers could have held off the Persian

8.00 p.m. |HINT| The Enduring Mystery of Stonehenge
"For 5,000 years, the sacred site of Stonehenge has stood on
the plain of Salisbury, England, silent witness to a myriad of
mysteries. Who built the prehistoric stone circle? Druids?
Merlin the Magician? Was it an altar for human sacrifice or
landing pad for UFOs? Experts, anthropologists, and astronomers
assess the mystery."

8.00 p.m. |DCIVC| Nefertiti: Egypt's Mysterious Queen

9.00 p.m. |HINT| England's Great Wall
"Stretching roughly 80 miles across northern England, Hadrian's
Wall split the country in two, serving as a barrier against Pict
marauders. Did the Roman army build the wall to protect their
new province, or as some historians argue, to build-up the
phenomenal ego of Emperor Hadrian, which was nearly as big as
the wall itself?"

9.00 p.m. |DTC| Spartans at the Gates of Fire (Episode 2)
"For 2,500 years, the Battle of Thermopylae has been as a
fierce conflict in the history of warfare. New research brings
the ancient battlefield to life and reveals whether 7,000
Spartan and Greek soldiers could have held off the Persian

Saturday, December 13
3.00 p.m. |DTC| Spartans at the Gates of Fire (Episode 1)
"For 2,500 years, the Battle of Thermopylae has been as a
fierce conflict in the history of warfare. New research brings
the ancient battlefield to life and reveals whether 7,000
Spartan and Greek soldiers could have held off the Persian

4.00 p.m. |DTC| Spartans at the Gates of Fire (Episode 2)
"For 2,500 years, the Battle of Thermopylae has been as a
fierce conflict in the history of warfare. New research brings
the ancient battlefield to life and reveals whether 7,000
Spartan and Greek soldiers could have held off the Persian

5.00 p.m. |DISCU| Nubia: The Forgotten Kingdom
"Discovery Channel joins archaeologists Julie Andersen and
Salah Ahmed who have discovered Dangeil, a 2,000-year-old Nubian
city, a civilization that came to rival Egypt. Witness the dig
to seek clues to the mystery of the departure of Dangeil's

5.30 p.m. |DCIVC| Archaeology IV: Florida's Lost Empire

6.00 p.m. |DCIVC| The Greatest Journeys: Greece: Journeys
to the Gods

6.00 p.m. |DTC| Ancient Ancestors: Princess and the Pauper
"The discovery of thousands of skeletons in the heart of London
astonished archaeologists. It looks like hundreds of people were
struck down by something deadly and dumped in a mass pauper's
grave, along with the body of a young Roman in a sarcophagus."

7.00 p.m. |DISCU|The Assassination of King Tut
"Did King Tut's gleaming death mask hide an ancient homicide?
Dead since 1323 B.C. and hastily mummified, Egypt's boy king lay
in an unfinished tomb until its 1922 discovery. Modern forensics
sheds light on what caused the blows to the King's skull."

Sunday, December 14
5.00 p.m.|TLC| The Priests of Amun
"Set against the backdrop of a nation in turmoil, this is the
story of a thirty year feud that tears apart a city and brings
down one of the most powerful dynasties in Egypt. A group of
priests gather to plot murder."

6.00 p.m. |TLC| The Cult of the Apis Bull
"This true story of sacred twins is told in a letter they wrote
to the Pharaoh over 2000 years ago. It's a tragic tale of greed
and betrayal that unfolds in the underworld of the great temple
city of Saqqara in the last decades of the Egyptian empire."

7.00 p.m. |DISCU| Time Team: Wadden, Dorset
"When Time Team descended on Wadden in Dorset, England, they
outnumbered residents--the village consists of 5 houses. They
were invited by neighbors David James and Grace Brooks, who
found a huge amount of old pottery in their shared garden during
excavations for a septic tank. The pottery dated from Medieval,
Roman, and Iron Age days. The name Wadden derives from Wode Hill
and dates back a 1,000 years, but what lies beneath the handful
of houses that remain? Time Team has 3 days to find out."

8.00 p.m. |HINT| The Fire of London
"This 90-minute special looks at the 1666 blaze that reduced
the world's most majestic city to utter ruin, and brings to life
the sparks of the fire and its progress with full-scale
recreation of the disastrous event. Over 13,000 houses, 87
churches, and principle landmarks of the city were destroyed.
Using modern forensic techniques and new historical evidence, we
piece together the true story of the Great Fire of London."

12.00 a.m. |DISCU| Iceman: Hunt for a Killer
"Otzi, the 5,300-year-old Stone Age iceman discovered in the
Alps in 1991, is scheduled for a new defrosting. In an attempt
to recover the arrowhead that caused Otzi's death, Dr. Egarter
hopes to reveal the identity of Otzi's killer."

                        Channel Guide

A&E     The Arts and Entertainment Channel (cable)
DTC     Discovery Times Channel (U.S. Cable)*
DCIVC   Discovery Civilization (Canadian Cable)
DISCC   Discovery Channel (Canadian Cable)
DISCU   Discovery Channel (U.S. Cable)
HINT    History International (U.S. Cable)
HISTU   The History Channel (U.S. Cable)
HISTC   History Television (Canadian Cable)
NGU     National Geographic Channel (U.S. Cable)*
PBS     Public Broadcasting System (U.S. National Schedule)
TLC     The Learning Channel (cable)

*n.b. Canadian versions of these two channels have recently
been made available although the Canadian versions don't seem
to be making their schedules available yet. For what it's worth,
the Canadian version does seem to 'match up' in regards to
ancient programming most of the time.
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