Chris Ann Matteo posted this to the Classics list:
... I've added the site to the Classicarnival blogroll on the side there for your (my) convenience ...
You're attend or to tune in to the first podcasts from the Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association and Archaeological Institute of America.
Visit the website, above, to see the details and listen to a sample recording that describes our program. As the talks are recorded on Saturday 10 January 2009 and are then ready for podcasting, they will be made available on the same website following the meeting.
We are hoping it allows many more lovers of the classsics, both inside and outside of academia, to benefit from the meeting--at low cost and when the listeners has time to download!
We will be meeting and podcasting in real time with real voices at the following time and place:
Saturday 10 January 2009
11:15 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown
Grand Ballroom L
Philadelphia, PA
The public is heartily invited to join us!
Podcasting and the Classics
Sponsored by the APA Committee on Outreach
Chris Ann Matteo and Ed DeHoratius, Organizers
In the field of classical humanities, professors and K -12 teachers alike are witnessing the democratizing
power of the podcast: mp3 players are intimate hardware for our students and the public we want to
reach. They have proven a particularly powerful tool to restore and augment the oral/aural experience in
our teaching and scholarship. This panel will explore different approaches to podcasting in the field of
classics and classical archaeology. The panel explores the roles that podcasts play in our culture for
education, entertainment, and research, and it probes how podcasts will be used in the future of classical
1. Lars Brownworth, The Stony Brook School
12 Byzantine Rulers (20 mins.)
2. Patrick Hunt, Stanford University
Tracking Hannibal: Podcasting without Satellite Maps (20 mins.)
3. Henry Bender, The Hill School, St. Joseph’s University, and Villanova University
To Pod or Not to Pod: Podcasting AP Vergil and Latin Literature (20 mins.)
4. Bret Mulligan, Haverford College
Using the Ear to Train the Eye: Classroom Experiments in Podcasting Latin (20 mins.)
Jennifer Sheridan Moss, Wayne State University
Respondent (10 mins.)
... I've added the site to the Classicarnival blogroll on the side there for your (my) convenience ...