I'm somewhat surprised at how long this one is taking so long to get more exposure. As of this writing, Science Daily is the only one reporting on the discovery of some lead bars dating to the third century B.C. from the sea off the coast of Ibiza. One of the bars has Iberian script on it and the lead has been traced to mines in southern Spain. The article wonders why lead would be sent to the Balearic Islands and then answers its own question by noting the existence of the famous Balearic mercenaries. The lead seems to coincide with the period of the Second Punic War.

Dixit Marcus Heinrich Hermanns:

“The characters must have been added to the metal before it had set, shortly after it had been cast in which case, the characters are more likely to be related to production as opposed to commercial information.”

“The examination of the recovered lead bars provides a further basing point for the examination of the pre-Roman metal industry in the western Mediterranean region ... there have been some relevant discoveries in the past, however, it is very difficult to establish anything concrete with certainty, due to the research done so far.”

Rare Lead Bars Discovered Off The Coast Of Ibiza May Be Carthaginian Munitions (Science Daily)

Hallan en Ibiza lingotes de plomo de 2.200 años de antigüedad (Milenio)

Kölner Wissenschaftler vermutet Rüstungsgüter für Karthago (U zu Koln)

Cologne Scientist suspects Carthaginian Munitions (ditto)

Vorchristliche Bleibarren vor Ibizas Nordküste (Ibiza News)

Seltener Bleibarrenfund vor der Küste von Ibiza (IDW)