Call it a dead language, but Latin came alive Wednesday night at Heritage High School, 3465 N. Center in Saginaw Township.
Drawing more than 400 Latin students and their families, the annual Latin Banquet hearkened to the heyday of ancient Rome. Dubbed the Cena Romana, or dinner of Rome, students garbed in togas and coronas performed skits while their families feasted on Roman-themed cuisine.
"We tried to make it as authentic as possible," said Latin teacher Janet M. Bixby.
"Everyone sits on the floor because the Romans would have ate lying down. We have all the food they would've had, with turkey instead of pheasant and juice instead of wine."
Former Latin teacher Gerald Meyers started the event more than 30 years ago. Meyers died in 2005, with Bixby keeping the endeavor going, partly in tribute to his memory.
"Everything was made by the students," Bixby said. "They worked for several weeks on this."
Members of each class had different tasks, with Latin I students working as servants for the upper classmen. Fourth-year students planned the dinner and arrived as guests of honor.
"Each class does their own skit," said senior Katie MacGillivray, 17, daughter of Ken and Rena MacGillivray of Saginaw Township.
The skits were the highlight of the night, MacVilliray said.
As a yearly event, students advance in their roles each year. MacVilliray her fellow seniors fashioned their ensembles as freshmen.
"This is what we work for for half the year," said Leah Short, 18, a senior and daughter of Suzanne and Jack Short of Saginaw Township.
... can't resist posting the photo; looks like a good time:

Posted by david meadows on Nov-16-08 at 11:46 AM
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