9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics
**Call for Papers**
Deadline for Abstracts: 15-Feb-2009
9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL 9)
29 October 2009 - 31 October 2009
Chicago, Illinois, USA
ICGL is a biennial meeting, held every two years since 1993, that
focuses on all aspects of the linguistic study and analysis of Greek,
from Ancient up through Modern Greek, though with greater emphasis on
the later stages of the language.
We invite abstracts for 30-minute papers (typically: 20 minutes for
the presentation and 10 minutes for discussion) on any topic relevant
to Greek linguistics, broadly construed, thus covering any subfield
within Linguistics applied linguistics, computational linguistics,
conversational analysis, corpus linguistics, dialectology, discourse
analysis, historical linguistics, language description, morphology,
neurolinguistics, phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, psycholinguistics,
semantics, sociolinguistics, and syntax, among others) and any period
in the history of the language (though with an emphasis on the latter
stages). We are especially interested in papers with an empirical
orientation and which illuminate some aspect of linguistic theory with
data from Greek. In addition, we invite papers for the following
thematic panels:
- computational modeling and/or manipulation of Greek data
- psycholinguistic approaches to the analysis of Greek
- teaching Greek in bilingual settings
- computer-mediated-communication and online discourse
Anyone interested in proposing a panel should contact the Organizing
Committee for details.
Submission of abstracts will be done via the ''Easy Abstracts''
function on LinguistList; interested participants should thus send a
one-page abstract (maximum 500 words), to
http://linguistlist.org/confcustom/icgl2009 by February 15, 2009.
''Easy Abstracts'' accommodates a variety of formats (.pdf. ,doc, etc.
- see the site itself for submission details). Decisions on submitted
abstracts will be announced by March 31, 2009.
Individuals may submit no more than one singly-authored abstract and
one co-authored abstract, or two co-authored abstracts.
The invited speakers for the conference will be:
Artemis Alexiadou (University of Stuttgart)
Paul Kiparsky (Stanford University)
Melita Stavrou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
A fourth may be added in the coming months.
Information on travel and lodging and other logistical matters will be
provided in early 2009.
Organizing Committee: Anastasia Giannakidou (U of Chicago), Brian
Joseph (Ohio State U), Jason Merchant (U of Chicago), and Marina
Terkourafi (U of Illinois), under the auspices of the International
Society for Greek Linguistics and the Midwest Committee for Modern
Greek Linguistics.
Conference sponsors include: The University of Chicago, the Modern
Greek Studies Program at The Ohio State University, the Modern Greek
Studies program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the
European Union Center at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, the Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian
Studies at University of Chicago, and The Kenneth E. Naylor
Professorship in South Slavic Linguistics of The Ohio State University.
For further information and for answers to relevant questions, please
contact the Organizing Committee at icgl2009 AT ling.osu.edu.
**Call for Papers**
Deadline for Abstracts: 15-Feb-2009
9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL 9)
29 October 2009 - 31 October 2009
Chicago, Illinois, USA
ICGL is a biennial meeting, held every two years since 1993, that
focuses on all aspects of the linguistic study and analysis of Greek,
from Ancient up through Modern Greek, though with greater emphasis on
the later stages of the language.
We invite abstracts for 30-minute papers (typically: 20 minutes for
the presentation and 10 minutes for discussion) on any topic relevant
to Greek linguistics, broadly construed, thus covering any subfield
within Linguistics applied linguistics, computational linguistics,
conversational analysis, corpus linguistics, dialectology, discourse
analysis, historical linguistics, language description, morphology,
neurolinguistics, phonetics, phonology, pragmatics, psycholinguistics,
semantics, sociolinguistics, and syntax, among others) and any period
in the history of the language (though with an emphasis on the latter
stages). We are especially interested in papers with an empirical
orientation and which illuminate some aspect of linguistic theory with
data from Greek. In addition, we invite papers for the following
thematic panels:
- computational modeling and/or manipulation of Greek data
- psycholinguistic approaches to the analysis of Greek
- teaching Greek in bilingual settings
- computer-mediated-communication and online discourse
Anyone interested in proposing a panel should contact the Organizing
Committee for details.
Submission of abstracts will be done via the ''Easy Abstracts''
function on LinguistList; interested participants should thus send a
one-page abstract (maximum 500 words), to
http://linguistlist.org/confcustom/icgl2009 by February 15, 2009.
''Easy Abstracts'' accommodates a variety of formats (.pdf. ,doc, etc.
- see the site itself for submission details). Decisions on submitted
abstracts will be announced by March 31, 2009.
Individuals may submit no more than one singly-authored abstract and
one co-authored abstract, or two co-authored abstracts.
The invited speakers for the conference will be:
Artemis Alexiadou (University of Stuttgart)
Paul Kiparsky (Stanford University)
Melita Stavrou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
A fourth may be added in the coming months.
Information on travel and lodging and other logistical matters will be
provided in early 2009.
Organizing Committee: Anastasia Giannakidou (U of Chicago), Brian
Joseph (Ohio State U), Jason Merchant (U of Chicago), and Marina
Terkourafi (U of Illinois), under the auspices of the International
Society for Greek Linguistics and the Midwest Committee for Modern
Greek Linguistics.
Conference sponsors include: The University of Chicago, the Modern
Greek Studies Program at The Ohio State University, the Modern Greek
Studies program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the
European Union Center at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, the Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian
Studies at University of Chicago, and The Kenneth E. Naylor
Professorship in South Slavic Linguistics of The Ohio State University.
For further information and for answers to relevant questions, please
contact the Organizing Committee at icgl2009 AT ling.osu.edu.