Edinburgh Classics Research Seminar 2008/2009
All seminars will take place on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. and, unless otherwise stated, in the Faculty Room North on the ground floor of the David Hume Tower in George Square.
Semester 1
1 October:
Professor Gregory Hutchinson (Oxford): 'Politics and the Sublime in Pliny's Speech to Trajan'
8 October (Conference Room DHT)
Professor Eberhard Sauer (Edinburgh): ‘A Late Antique Frontier Defence System in Northern Iran’
15 October
Dr Caroline Vout (Cambridge): ‘Rome as City of Seven Hills’
22 October (Conference Room DHT)
Professor Bruce Gibson (Liverpool): ‘Silius Italicus: a Consular Historian?’
5 November
Dr Luke Houghton (Glasgow): ‘Virgil's fourth Eclogue – Historical Soundings’
12 November
Dr Marek Weçowski (Warsaw): ‘Purposes of Ostracism: for a New Light on Some Old Potsherds’
19 November
Professor Angelos Chaniotis (Oxford): ‘The Ithyphallic Hymn for Demetrios Poliorketes and Hellenistic Religious Mentality’
26 November
Professor Malcolm Heath (Leeds): ‘The Best Kind of Tragic Plot: Aristotle's Argument in Poetics 13-14’
3 December
Dr Gavin Kelly (Edinburgh): 'An Idiot's Guide to Roman History: New Thoughts on the Breviarium of Festus'
Semester 2
21 January
Professor Timothy Barnes (Toronto/Edinburgh): ‘Christians in the Severan Empire’
28 January
Professor Keith Rutter (Edinburgh): ‘Coins and Cultures in Western Sicily’
4 February
Professor Michael Reeve (Cambridge): ‘The Vita Plinii and other Pliniana’
11 February
Professor Geoffrey B. Greatrex (Ottawa): ‘Patriarchs and Politics in sixth-century Constantinople’
25 February
Professor Michael Fulford (Reading): ‘Going down! The Silchester Insula IX Town Life Project 1997–2009’
4 March
Dr Jane Lightfoot (Oxford): ‘Dionysius the Periegete’
11 March
Professor Giovan Battista D’Alessio (KCL): ‘A Greek Lyric Poet from Samos to Ghazni’
18 March
Professor Tim Cornell (Manchester): title tba
25 March
Professor Joseph Roisman (Colby College): ‘Alexander’s the Great Veterans’
All seminars will take place on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. and, unless otherwise stated, in the Faculty Room North on the ground floor of the David Hume Tower in George Square.
Semester 1
1 October:
Professor Gregory Hutchinson (Oxford): 'Politics and the Sublime in Pliny's Speech to Trajan'
8 October (Conference Room DHT)
Professor Eberhard Sauer (Edinburgh): ‘A Late Antique Frontier Defence System in Northern Iran’
15 October
Dr Caroline Vout (Cambridge): ‘Rome as City of Seven Hills’
22 October (Conference Room DHT)
Professor Bruce Gibson (Liverpool): ‘Silius Italicus: a Consular Historian?’
5 November
Dr Luke Houghton (Glasgow): ‘Virgil's fourth Eclogue – Historical Soundings’
12 November
Dr Marek Weçowski (Warsaw): ‘Purposes of Ostracism: for a New Light on Some Old Potsherds’
19 November
Professor Angelos Chaniotis (Oxford): ‘The Ithyphallic Hymn for Demetrios Poliorketes and Hellenistic Religious Mentality’
26 November
Professor Malcolm Heath (Leeds): ‘The Best Kind of Tragic Plot: Aristotle's Argument in Poetics 13-14’
3 December
Dr Gavin Kelly (Edinburgh): 'An Idiot's Guide to Roman History: New Thoughts on the Breviarium of Festus'
Semester 2
21 January
Professor Timothy Barnes (Toronto/Edinburgh): ‘Christians in the Severan Empire’
28 January
Professor Keith Rutter (Edinburgh): ‘Coins and Cultures in Western Sicily’
4 February
Professor Michael Reeve (Cambridge): ‘The Vita Plinii and other Pliniana’
11 February
Professor Geoffrey B. Greatrex (Ottawa): ‘Patriarchs and Politics in sixth-century Constantinople’
25 February
Professor Michael Fulford (Reading): ‘Going down! The Silchester Insula IX Town Life Project 1997–2009’
4 March
Dr Jane Lightfoot (Oxford): ‘Dionysius the Periegete’
11 March
Professor Giovan Battista D’Alessio (KCL): ‘A Greek Lyric Poet from Samos to Ghazni’
18 March
Professor Tim Cornell (Manchester): title tba
25 March
Professor Joseph Roisman (Colby College): ‘Alexander’s the Great Veterans’