"The Italians on the Land: Changing Perspectives Then and Now"Conference Program:

11th & 12th Oct 2008, Darwin College, University of Kent.

The study of Italy under the Republic is currently enjoying a resurgence in popularity. New techniques & ideas are being brought to bear on old questions with interesting results. This conference looks at Italy & Rome from an Italian as well as from a Roman perspective.

Day One

Registration and Coffee 9:30 -10:30

10:30 Keynote Address: Kathryn Lomas, (UCL) Title TBC

11: 10 Jonathan Prag (Ox.) "Senators, Land Owning and the Lex Claudia"
11.50 Saskia Roselaar, (Leiden) "Competition for land and the privatization of the ager publicus."
12:30 -1:40 Lunch
1:40 Annaliza Marzano, (Ox.) "agros coemendo et colendo in gloriam": Villas and Farms in the agrarian economy of the Republic.
2.10 Dan Hoyer, "An Interdisciplinary Approach to Republican Agriculture in Central and Southern Italy."
2.50 Jamie Sewell "New markets for Cosa in the second century BC: the wine export business and its dramatic affect on the town's urban fabric."

3:30pm - 4 :30 Wine and Cheese Reception

Day Two

9:30 - 10:30 Registration
10:30 Arthur Keaveney, (Kent) "Crisis With Alternative - the Reformers of the Republic"
11:10 Lucca Fezzi, (Pisa) "Corn laws: an alternative to land distribution?"
11.50 William Rees "Ex Italia convenerunt: Italian participation in Roman politics in the late Republic"
12:30 Louise Earnshaw-Brown, (Kent) "Working together? Modern Demography, The Census & Polybius."
1:10 - 2:30 Lunch, Close & Thank You

For registration details please follow the link below: http://www.kent.ac.uk/secl/researchevents/Italians/index.html

Cheques should be made payable to the University of Kent.