12-14 May 2009
University of British Columbia
(Vancouver, British Columbia)



The CAC’s 2009 Annual Meeting will take place on Tues. 12 – Thurs. 14 May at UBC as a joint event together with the Association of Ancient Historians’ Annual Meeting (Thurs. 14 – Sat. 16 May). Accommodation has been reserved in the university residence halls and conference centre for the nights of Monday through Saturday (11-16 May). Registration materials and related information will be published as they become available. All conference information will be posted on the conference website: (that will be accessible from the main CAC/SCEC website).


Scholarly contributions in all areas of Classical Studies are welcomed. Presentations must not exceed 20 minutes, to allow for discussion following each paper.

In addition to regular papers:

* The Women's Network/Réseau des Femmes invites abstracts for a panel on "Generations of Women" at the CAC. This panel explores the construction and representation of women as mothers, daughters, sisters and grandmothers and intergenerational connections with the body, the family and society more broadly, as well as the legacy of women scholars in the discipline of Classics. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to: functional and dysfunctional familial relationships (including both public and private contexts); women and reproduction (within medical texts, religious rituals and demography); women in foundation myths; feminist pedagogy; contributions of 19th and 20th century female classical scholars. This call for papers is meant to be suggestive rather than exclusive; we welcome papers that consider the theme from a variety of perspectives and sources of evidence (textual, visual, and material). Please send 300- word abstracts on the Proposal Form by January 16, 2009 to Dr. Leanne Bablitz via e-mail: (lbablitz(at) or regular mail: Dr. Leanne Bablitz, Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, University of British Columbia, BUCH C 1866 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1. In addition, please send a second copy of the abstract and the Proposal Form, meeting the same criteria, to Dr. Allison Glazebrook via email: (aglazebrook(at) or regular mail: Dept. of Classics, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada L2S 3A1. Be sure to indicate on the Proposal Form and in the e-mail subject line that the submission is to be considered for the "Generations of Women – WN/RF panel".
* Submissions are also invited for a special panel jointly run by the Classical Association of Canada and the American Philological Association's Outreach and Classical Tradition committees. In recognition of the borders between Canada and the United States, we solicit abstracts on the topic of "Borders: geographical, social, political, temporal or conceptual". Papers can address such topics as the establishment, maintenance and control of geo-political borders in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin, the blurring of social boundaries through ritual activity, the fractured social identities of border-dwellers, etc. These topics are suggestions, not prescriptions. Please send 300-word abstracts on the Proposal Form by January 16, 2009 to Dr. Leanne Bablitz via e-mail: (lbablitz(at) or regular mail: Dr. Leanne Bablitz, Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, University of British Columbia, BUCH C 1866 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1. In addition, please send a second copy of the abstract and the Proposal Form, meeting the same criteria, to Dr. Judith Fletcher via email (jfletcher(at) or regular mail: Dr. Judith Fletcher, Dept. of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C5. Be sure to indicate on the Proposal Form and in the e-mail subject line that the submission is to be considered by the "Borders – joint APA panel".
* Scholars can propose specific panel sessions around a topic (e.g., research or teaching and professional issues). A panel must be limited to a maximum of four individual papers. Proposals for these should be submitted to the conference organizer by the deadline given below, and should include a session title, statement of purpose (maximum 200 words), names of participants, and the individual 300-word abstracts for all the papers in the proposed panel using the regular Proposal Forms.


Abstracts (maximum: 300 words) should be submitted, preferably by e-mail, on the Proposal Form (downloadable from the conference website). Deadline for receipt is 16 January 2009. Please send proposals and enquiries to: lbablitz(at) using the subject line "CAC abstract” OR snail-mail: Dr. Leanne Bablitz, CAC 2009, Department of Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies, BUCH C 1866 Main Mall, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6T 1Z1, Canada.

All abstracts will be anonymously refereed within a single pool. Graduate students are strongly encouraged to consult with their supervisor or other appropriate faculty member before submitting an abstract.