Vestalia -- festival in honour of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth
53 B.C. -- the Roman army under Marcus Licinius Crassus (Dives) suffers a massive defeat at the hand of the Persians under Surenas near Carrhae; Crassus dies as a result of the battle
17 B.C.. -- ludi Latini et Graeci honorarii (day 5)
62 A.D. -- Nero has his first wife, Octavia, killed while in exile for adultery on Pandateria
204 A.D. -- ludi Latini et Graeci honorarii (day 6)
Posted by david meadows on Jun-09-08 at 5:27 AM Drop me a line to comment on this post! Comments (which might be edited) will be appended to the original post as soon as possible with appropriate attribution.