From Dominican Today comes some more info:

An Egypt-Dominican archaeological team which excavates a dig to look for the tombs of Cleopatra and Marc Antony has made important findings, said Friday doctor Kathleen Martinez, the Dominican embassy's Cultural attaché in that Arab country and the group’s leader.

Martinez said the findings were possible by the work of leading researchers and Egyptian technicians, who’ve worked for more than four years in a Ptolemaic temple in the outskirts of Alexandria, where she believes Cleopatra and the Roman general are buried. “He had to be a moved to a point away from the city of Alexandria, to preserve the bodies of disgrace for the Romans, by then victorious agaisnt the queen and her ally.”

Interviewed on Colorvision Channel 9 and later in a press conference in the Foreign Relations Ministry (SEREX), the researcher said she’s studied the Egyptian queen’s possible burial sites for the last 15 years, and which has fueled numerous myths and doubts.

The Egyptologist, who’s in Dominican Republic after taking a recess in the excavations to resume in November, said her project was approved after she presented her theory to Egypt’s Antiques Council four years ago.

Martinez added that found so far is an alabaster statue believed to be of Cleopatra and a mask which could belong to Marc Antony.

The original article has a little slide show of sorts ... the last one depicts (presumably) the alabaster statue; I'd be very interested in seeing the 'mask' ... Folks might also be interested in the National Geographic coverage (although their only photo is of Zahi Hawass, of course)