The Artemidorus Papyrus
A one-day conference at St John's College, Oxford,
on Friday, June 13th, 2008

The so-called Papyrus of Artemidorus with it three parts - a text, a
map, and images - is one of the most spectacular artefacts published in
this decade.

The one-day conference at St John's College, Oxford, aims to bring
specialists on all aspects of the papyrus together. We are especially
glad that colleagues from Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the UK, and the
USA have agreed to participate: While Luciano Canfora (Bari/Italy) has
had to cancel due to other commitments, we shall hear Margarethe
Billerbeck (Fribourg/CH), Baerbel Kramer (Trier/Germany), Dirk Obbink
(Oxford/UK), Peter Parsons (Oxford/UK), Nicholas Purcell (Oxford/UK),
Richard Talbert (UNC Chapel Hill/USA), Nigel Wilson (Oxford/UK), and others.

The aim of the conference, organized by Kai Brodersen and Jas Elsner, is
to study the artefact, and its text, map, and images, as "gobbets" first
(in a well-established Oxford tradition), thus contributing to a deeper
understanding of what the papyrus presents, before discussing
probabilities and authenticities.

You can find further information, and registration details, on