College, Oxford, Saturday 17 May, 2008.
The St. Anne’s College Classics Society invites you to attend the
following event to be held in the Tsuzuki Lecture Theatre, Ruth Deech
Building, St. Anne’s College.
10.45 a.m.: Arrival and Coffee
11. 15 a.m. Greeting
11. 25 a.m. Dr. Llewelyn Morgan (Brasenose College, Oxford): ‘Odes
3. 13: The One and Only Fons Bandusiae’
12. 45 p.m. Lunch
2 p.m. Dr. Victoria Moul (Queen’s College, Oxford): ‘Horatian Genres in
Jonson and Donne’
3. 15 p.m. Tea
Those wishing to attend are asked to notify Prof. Matthew Leigh (St.
Anne’s) on matthew.leigh AT
There will be no charge for refreshments.