The second seminar will be held in the Arts Faculty Crowther Building Room 062, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes on Wednesday, February 13 2008.
Coffee from 10.30am
11.00 Carolyn Price (OU) ‘Robbed of life? Seneca on the injustice of premature death’
11.45 Virginia Campbell-Lewis (Reading) 'As the Romans do: a comparative study of the tomb of Veia Barchilla and the tomb of Cecilia Metella';
LUNCH 12.30 – 1.15 (not provided, but available in the University Refectory)
1.15 Heather Manning (Manchester) 'Epitaphs and egos: funerary monuments and social history in Republican Rome'.
2.00 Clemence Schultze (Durham) ‘Putting death on the record: dying and commemoration in Dionysius of Halicarnassus’
2.45 Eleanor Brook (Cambridge) 'Vita mortuorum: death and commemoration in Cicero's speeches';
3.30 Tea Departure
There is no fee, but please email Bronwen Sharp, Departmental Coordinator, Department of Classical Studies (B.M.Sharp AT by February 1 2008 if you intend to come. Lunch can be bought at the OU Refectory. Details of how to reach the OU at Walton Hall can be found at:
For further enquiries please contact either of us:
Valerie Hope (V.M.Hope) and Janet Huskinson (J.A.R.Huskinson AT
Posted by david meadows on Jan-19-08 at 7:02 PM
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