This panel, sponsored by the APA Division of Education, will explore research done in support of teaching. Among the questions that prospective panelists may want to consider are
* Can we recognize research done in support of teaching when we see it? What does it look like?
* How do we assess research done in support of teaching? Can we tell excellent research from mediocre research in the absence of peer-reviewed publication?
* How do we make institutions and our profession aware of research done in support of teaching?
* How can we help each other become better scholars in support of our teaching?
* What relation exists between research done in support of teaching and research for publication?
Submit abstracts electronically to Prof. Martha Davis (madavis AT Friday, February 1, 2008. The abstract proper should follow the APA guidelines (see p. 6 of the program guide in the APA Newsletter,
t.pdf) and be anonymous. Papers will normally be no longer than 20 minutes in delivery. Please include requests for audio-visual equipment."