Newcastle University
Wednesday, 2nd - Thursday, 3rd April 2008
The 2008 meeting of the Northern Association for Ancient Philosophy will be held at Newcastle University.
The programme will feature the following speakers:
Christof Rapp (Humboldt Universität Berlin):
Aristotle on hedonism
Pierre-Marie Morel (Université de Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne):
The Epicurean concept of telos
Ivan Christov (University of Plovdiv):
Aristoteles philogeometres
Theodore Scaltsas (Edinburgh University):
When knowledge is not a kind of belief - Plato Republic V
James Wilberding (Newcastle University):
Neoplatonist theories on spontaneous generation
In addition, there will be shorter presentations of work in progress by PhD students / postdocs:
Jenny Bryan (Leeds): The philosophical use of allusion in the Clitophon
Javier Echenique (St. Andrews): Aristotle on praise and blame
Hyeok Yu (Durham): Plato's Charmides
Abstracts of 300 words setting out the argument and listing the primary passages to be discussed in each presentation will be posted on the conference website nearer the time. Longer presentations will be 35-40 minutes, leaving 30-35 minutes for discussion; shorter presentations will be 15-20 minutes, leaving 15-20 minutes for discussion.
Wednesday 2 April
Venue: Newcastle University, Percy Building, ground floor, room G5
13.30-14.00 Arrival and registration
14.00-15.10 Scaltsas
15.10-16.20 Christov
16.20-16.45 Tea/Coffee
16.45-17.55 Rapp
17.55-18.30 Echenique
18.30-19.45 Reception in the University's Shefton Museum of Greek Art
20.00- Dinner in town
Thursday 3 April
Venue: Newcastle University, Percy Building, ground floor, room G5
9.00-10.10 Morel
10.10-10.45 Bryan
10.45-11.15 Coffee
11.15-12.25 Wilberding
12.25-13.00 Yu
13.00-13.15 Business meeting
13.15-14.30 Lunch in the University's Courtyard Restaurant
14.30 Departure
The conference is supported by the Mind Association, the Aristotelian Society, the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, the Classical Association, the Northern Centre for the History of Medicine and the School of Historical Studies at Newcastle University.
For details of booking and accommodation see the conference website at .
For further information please contact Philip van der Eijk at philip.van-der-eijk AT or James Wilberding at james.wilberding AT
The Northern Association for Ancient Philosophy aims to promote the understanding of all aspects of Classical philosophy and its infuence in later times. It is an open, informal association, and there is no membership fee. Anyone with a serious academic interest in the field is encouraged to take part in the Association's activities. Postgraduate students and colleagues from overseas are also very welcome.
The Association's annual conference provides a forum for interdisciplinary lectures and discussion among classicists and philosophers. Annual meetings have been held at Leeds, Durham, Newcastle, Liverpool and St. Andrews.C
Newcastle University
Wednesday, 2nd - Thursday, 3rd April 2008
The 2008 meeting of the Northern Association for Ancient Philosophy will be held at Newcastle University.
The programme will feature the following speakers:
Christof Rapp (Humboldt Universität Berlin):
Aristotle on hedonism
Pierre-Marie Morel (Université de Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne):
The Epicurean concept of telos
Ivan Christov (University of Plovdiv):
Aristoteles philogeometres
Theodore Scaltsas (Edinburgh University):
When knowledge is not a kind of belief - Plato Republic V
James Wilberding (Newcastle University):
Neoplatonist theories on spontaneous generation
In addition, there will be shorter presentations of work in progress by PhD students / postdocs:
Jenny Bryan (Leeds): The philosophical use of allusion in the Clitophon
Javier Echenique (St. Andrews): Aristotle on praise and blame
Hyeok Yu (Durham): Plato's Charmides
Abstracts of 300 words setting out the argument and listing the primary passages to be discussed in each presentation will be posted on the conference website nearer the time. Longer presentations will be 35-40 minutes, leaving 30-35 minutes for discussion; shorter presentations will be 15-20 minutes, leaving 15-20 minutes for discussion.
Wednesday 2 April
Venue: Newcastle University, Percy Building, ground floor, room G5
13.30-14.00 Arrival and registration
14.00-15.10 Scaltsas
15.10-16.20 Christov
16.20-16.45 Tea/Coffee
16.45-17.55 Rapp
17.55-18.30 Echenique
18.30-19.45 Reception in the University's Shefton Museum of Greek Art
20.00- Dinner in town
Thursday 3 April
Venue: Newcastle University, Percy Building, ground floor, room G5
9.00-10.10 Morel
10.10-10.45 Bryan
10.45-11.15 Coffee
11.15-12.25 Wilberding
12.25-13.00 Yu
13.00-13.15 Business meeting
13.15-14.30 Lunch in the University's Courtyard Restaurant
14.30 Departure
The conference is supported by the Mind Association, the Aristotelian Society, the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, the Classical Association, the Northern Centre for the History of Medicine and the School of Historical Studies at Newcastle University.
For details of booking and accommodation see the conference website at .
For further information please contact Philip van der Eijk at philip.van-der-eijk AT or James Wilberding at james.wilberding AT
The Northern Association for Ancient Philosophy aims to promote the understanding of all aspects of Classical philosophy and its infuence in later times. It is an open, informal association, and there is no membership fee. Anyone with a serious academic interest in the field is encouraged to take part in the Association's activities. Postgraduate students and colleagues from overseas are also very welcome.
The Association's annual conference provides a forum for interdisciplinary lectures and discussion among classicists and philosophers. Annual meetings have been held at Leeds, Durham, Newcastle, Liverpool and St. Andrews.C