The Open University Classical Receptions in Late Twentieth-Century Drama and Poetry in English Research Project is delighted to launch its new Ejournal, Practitioners' Voices in Classical Reception Studies (PVCRS) ISSN 1756-5049

PVCRS is very much a companion publication to our ejournal New Voices in Classical Reception Studies and our Eseminar Archive. All add to the range of resources that are made freely available on the Open University Reception of Classical Texts Research Project website. New Voices provides a refereed platform for newer researchers to publish their work. The Eseminar Archive makes available the records of the annual seminar that discusses all aspects of classical reception. Practitioners' Voices is a response to the growing awareness that Classical Reception research has to recognise the full range of processes that shape the impact of classical material in new contexts. Its aim is to provide a Forum in which theatre directors, designers, dramaturgs, actors, poets, translators, and all involved in the creative practices that are so crucial to classical receptions can discuss the relationship between their work and the classical texts, themes and contexts on which they draw.

The contributions to the first issue of Practitioners Voices (listed below) can be accessed at

o Case Study 1: An investigation into ways of addressing and embodying questions of character in Foursight Theatre's 2004 production of Agamemnon
Dorinda Hulton
o Case Study 2: Staging the Cambridge Greek Play 2001 - Electra
Jane Montgomery Griffiths
o Reconstructing a Fragmentary Tragedy 1: Euripides' Trojan Trilogy
David Stuttard
o Reconstructing a Fragmentary Tragedy 2: Sophocles Tereus
David Fitzpatrick

We hope that the Forum provided by Practitioners' Voices will also lead to further dialogue between creative practitioners, critics and academics (who are, after all, also practitioners).

We are extremely grateful not only to the contributors but also to the members of the International Advisory Board for New Voices and Practitioners' Voices for their role in developing these new ventures. Suggestions for further areas and contributors to Practitioners' Voices will be very welcome and should be sent to the editor Lorna Hardwick (L.P.Hardwick AT