The Department of Classics at Vassar College invites applications for a
three-year position for a Latinist at the rank of Visiting Assistant
Professor, beginning in August 2008. Vassar College is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer and is strongly and actively
committed to diversity within its community. Applications from
historically underrepresented groups are especially encouraged. The
successful candidate will primarily be responsible for Latin courses
from the elementary to advanced level. He or she will also be expected
to teach Classics courses in translation, which may include 'Myth' and
'Reading Antiquity' (an introduction to ancient literature), and
possibly Greek at the elementary or intermediate level. The ability to
participate in any of VassarĀ¹s multidisciplinary programs, such as
American Culture, Jewish Studies, and Women's Studies, or to teach a
freshman writing course based on a classical theme is also an advantage.

The candidate must have earned the Ph. D. before taking up the
appointment and provide evidence of successful teaching experience.

Please send a cover letter, CV, and three letters of recommendation
(sent under separate cover or in a placement file) to

Robert D. Brown, Chair
Department of Classics
Box 733
Vassar College
124 Raymond Avenue
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604

We will begin reading dossiers on December 1, 2007, and the position will
remain open until filled.