From BMCR:
Anna Trofimova (ed.), Greeks on the Black Sea: Ancient Art from the Hermitage.
Michael Gruenbart, Theatron. Rhetorische Kultur in Spa+tantike und Mittelalter / Rhetorical Culture in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Peter Brennan, Michael Turner, Nicholas L. Wright, Faces of Power: Imperial Portraiture on Roman Coins.
Jonas Grethlein, Das Geschichtsbild der Ilias. Eine Untersuchung aus phaenomenologischer und narratologischer Perspektive. Hypomnemata, 163.
Daniela Gionta, Per i Convivia Mediolanensia di Francesco Filelfo Messina: Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Umanistici. Quaderni di Filologia medievale e umanistica, 11.
Aicha Ben Abed Ben Khader, Tunisian Mosaics : Treasures from Roman Africa. Translated from the French by Sharon Grevet.
Anna Trofimova (ed.), Greeks on the Black Sea: Ancient Art from the Hermitage.
Michael Gruenbart, Theatron. Rhetorische Kultur in Spa+tantike und Mittelalter / Rhetorical Culture in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
Peter Brennan, Michael Turner, Nicholas L. Wright, Faces of Power: Imperial Portraiture on Roman Coins.
Jonas Grethlein, Das Geschichtsbild der Ilias. Eine Untersuchung aus phaenomenologischer und narratologischer Perspektive. Hypomnemata, 163.
Daniela Gionta, Per i Convivia Mediolanensia di Francesco Filelfo Messina: Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Umanistici. Quaderni di Filologia medievale e umanistica, 11.
Aicha Ben Abed Ben Khader, Tunisian Mosaics : Treasures from Roman Africa. Translated from the French by Sharon Grevet.