Brief item from Reuters Italia (can't find this one in English yet):

Reperti archeologici per il valore di un milione di dollari circa sono stati recuperati negli Stati Uniti, riferisce una nota del Comando tutela patrimonio culturale dei carabinieri.

Le opere sono state riconsegnate da un importante antiquario americano informato "della provenienza illecita dall'Italia e sulla scorta delle recenti restituzioni da parte delle maggiori istituzioni museali statunitensi".

Tra le opere, si legge nelle nota, spiccano un'"oinochoe pontica", ovvero un vaso a forma di brocca, attribuita al pittore di Tityos, del 530 a.C., e un'anfora attica a figure nere del gruppo di Leagros, del 510 a.C., con la raffigurazione del rapimento di Teti.

I'm not sure whether this piece from Bloomberg is referring to the same thing:

New York art dealer Jerome Eisenberg returned eight pieces of ancient art valued at about $510,000 to Italy, one of the first private gallery owners to turn over antiquities which the government says were illegally removed from the country.

``I gave back the works for ethics and good will,'' Eisenberg said in a telephone interview from the Basel Ancient Art Fair. His action, he said, may convince other dealers to return objects of questionable provenance.

Eisenberg, 77, is the founder and director of Royal-Athena Galleries in New York and a dealer in Etruscan and Roman art. He helped Italian authorities recover some items that already had been sold on to collectors, Italian officials said at a press conference in Rome today.

``The circle is tightening,'' said Culture Minister Francesco Rutelli. ``Not only are museums returning items after complex negotiations, but collectors and dealers are doing the same.''

Rutelli, 53, has been leading Italy's campaign to recover pilfered artworks. His biggest success came in August when the J. Paul Getty Trust agreed to hand over 40 antiquities, including a statue of Aphrodite that Italian officials said had been looted from Sicily. Italy also has recovered works from museums in Boston, Princeton and New York, Rutelli said.

The items from Eisenberg include three bronze Etruscan statues, four vases and a marble sculpture, said Giovanni Nistri, head of the cultural section of Italy's military police.

Spotted by Italians

Italian authorities became aware of the pieces after spotting some of them on display in Eisenberg's Royal-Athena Galleries.

Eisenberg said increasing awareness about looted items on the international market made his shopping more difficult. ``Our biggest problem is buying, not selling,'' he said.

Eisenberg has sold over 30,000 antiquities over the past 45 years to U.S. and European museums, including some 500 works of ancient art, according to a biography on the Web site of the Public Broadcasting Service program Antiques Roadshow, for which he is an appraiser.

Eisenberg said two of those works were last year shipped back to Italy when Boston's Museum of Fine Arts repatriated the items purchased from his New York gallery.

[(very quick) UPDATE] Il Messaggero suggests these are both the same event ...