nominations and applications for the Geo. H. Atkinson Chair of Religious
and Ethical Studies. The chair was established in 1981 to honor Mr.
George H. Atkinson, an alumnus, benefactor, University Trustee,
churchman, and lifelong friend of Willamette University.
Candidates for the chair should be highly accomplished scholars with
disciplinary expertise in early Christian history and literature,
ancient Greek, and the religions of the Mediterranean world of late
Antiquity. Competency in the Nag Hammadi codices and Coptic is
desirable. Candidates should also be experienced teachers with a
background in course work that addresses broad social and ethical issues
and contributes to the general education program of the College of
Liberal Arts. In addition, candidates should have demonstrated
commitment to the application of their expertise to service in the
larger University and off-campus communities.
The position is tenure track and the rank is open, depending on
experience. Inquiries, nominations, and applications should be sent to
the search committee chair:
Professor David W. McCreery
Department of Religious Studies
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem, OR 97301
dmccreer AT
Candidates should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae,
three letters of reference, and brief statements of teaching philosophy
and research projects. Electronic submissions are encouraged. The
search committee will begin reviewing applications on November 1, 2007
and will continue until the position is filled. Interviews will be
conducted at the joint annual meetings of the American Academy of
Religion and Society of Biblical Literature in San Diego, CA, November
17-20, 2007.