Memory and Mourning: Death in Ancient Rome
Saturday November 10, 2007 at the Open University, 66, High Street, Harborne, BIRMINGHAM.
10.00 Tea and coffee.
10.30 Valerie Hope and Janet Huskinson (Open University):
Introducing Death in Ancient Rome.
10.45 David Noy (Lampeter):
‘Goodbye Livia’: Dying in the Roman Home.
11.30 Luke Houghton (Glasgow):
Death Ritual and Burial Practice in the Latin Love Elegists.
12.15 Emma-Jayne Graham (Cardiff):
Bits and Pieces: the Search for ‘Secondary Treatment’ in Roman Mortuary Practices.
1.00 Lunch.
2.00 Maureen Carroll (Sheffield):
‘The mourning was very good.’ Liberation and Liberality in Roman Funerary Commemoration.
2.45 Jean-Michel Hulls:
Poetic Monuments: Grief and Consolation in Statius Silvae 3.3.
3.30 Depart.
To register please contact by 02/11/07
Bronwen Sharp, The Departmental Coordinator, The Department of Classical Studies, Open University,Walton Hall,Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA. Tel: 01908 653247. E.mail: B.M.Sharp AT There is no conference fee.
The event will be held at the OU Regional Centre, 66 High Street, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 9NB. Lunch will not be provided, but there are several cafes and sandwich shops nearby.
Date for your diary: the next in this informal series will be held at the Open University, Walton Hall Milton Keynes (Room GC062) on February 13 2008. Further details will be available in the New Year. Speakers to include:
Eleanor Brook (Cambridge), 'Vita mortuorum: death and commemoration in Cicero's speeches'
Virginia Campbell-Lewis (Reading), 'As the Romans do: a comparative study of the tomb of Veia Barchilla and the tomb of Cecilia Metella'
Heather Manning (Manchester) 'Epitaphs and egos: funerary monuments and social history in Republican Rome'
Darja Sterbenc Erker (Erfurt) ‘ A transgression is a norm: Women's role in Roman funeral ritual’
Saturday November 10, 2007 at the Open University, 66, High Street, Harborne, BIRMINGHAM.
10.00 Tea and coffee.
10.30 Valerie Hope and Janet Huskinson (Open University):
Introducing Death in Ancient Rome.
10.45 David Noy (Lampeter):
‘Goodbye Livia’: Dying in the Roman Home.
11.30 Luke Houghton (Glasgow):
Death Ritual and Burial Practice in the Latin Love Elegists.
12.15 Emma-Jayne Graham (Cardiff):
Bits and Pieces: the Search for ‘Secondary Treatment’ in Roman Mortuary Practices.
1.00 Lunch.
2.00 Maureen Carroll (Sheffield):
‘The mourning was very good.’ Liberation and Liberality in Roman Funerary Commemoration.
2.45 Jean-Michel Hulls:
Poetic Monuments: Grief and Consolation in Statius Silvae 3.3.
3.30 Depart.
To register please contact by 02/11/07
Bronwen Sharp, The Departmental Coordinator, The Department of Classical Studies, Open University,Walton Hall,Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA. Tel: 01908 653247. E.mail: B.M.Sharp AT There is no conference fee.
The event will be held at the OU Regional Centre, 66 High Street, Harborne, Birmingham, B17 9NB. Lunch will not be provided, but there are several cafes and sandwich shops nearby.
Date for your diary: the next in this informal series will be held at the Open University, Walton Hall Milton Keynes (Room GC062) on February 13 2008. Further details will be available in the New Year. Speakers to include:
Eleanor Brook (Cambridge), 'Vita mortuorum: death and commemoration in Cicero's speeches'
Virginia Campbell-Lewis (Reading), 'As the Romans do: a comparative study of the tomb of Veia Barchilla and the tomb of Cecilia Metella'
Heather Manning (Manchester) 'Epitaphs and egos: funerary monuments and social history in Republican Rome'
Darja Sterbenc Erker (Erfurt) ‘ A transgression is a norm: Women's role in Roman funeral ritual’