Conference October 2008 (2-3 days)
Venue: University of Kent

"The Italians on the Land from the end of the Punic Wars to the Social War"

As is well known the period from the end of the Third Century to the First Century BC presents certain problems in the interpretation of Roman and Italian Land Exploitation. This conference is being held to bring together scholars working in this area.

As this field requires a number of different approaches we are hoping to gain a broad spectrum of papers in order to acheive a good balance. As guidance though we would particularly welcome papers in the following areas:

* The use of Demography in Ancient Populations.
* Developments in Landscape & Setttlement Archaeology
* The Agrarian Economy in the Mid-Late Republic
* Labour in the Agrarian Economy

Abstracts (and enquiries) at this stage to be emailed to both a.p.keaveney AT and by March 31st 2008.