Memory and Mourning: Death in Ancient Rome
Saturday November 10, 2007 at the Open University, Harborne, BIRMINGHAM.
This seminar will mark the publication of and introduce a major new sourcebook, Valerie Hope, Death in Ancient Rome (Routledge, forthcoming late 2007).
Papers (approx. 30-40 mins in length) are invited on the subject of death, dying and the dead in ancient Rome. Topics that link funerary customs to memory promotion, monument production, the family and the presentation of mourning will be particularly relevant; but all subjects that provide insights into funerals, funerary rituals and commemorative practices will be considered. The day is intended to be interdisciplinary and will appeal to those interested in Roman death whether working in literature, art history, social history or archaeology. The day will be an informal one day seminar organised by the Department of Classical Studies at the OU and will be held at the OU Birmingham regional centre. The number of participants and attendees will be limited.
For further information and to submit a paper title, plus a short abstract (deadline July 31, 2007), please contact:
Dr Janet Huskinson and Dr Valerie Hope,
Department of Classical Studies,
The Open University,
Walton Hall,
Milton Keynes,
MK7 6AA.
V.M.Hope AT
J.A.R.Huskinson AT
Memory and Mourning: Death in Ancient Rome
Saturday November 10, 2007 at the Open University, Harborne, BIRMINGHAM.
This seminar will mark the publication of and introduce a major new sourcebook, Valerie Hope, Death in Ancient Rome (Routledge, forthcoming late 2007).
Papers (approx. 30-40 mins in length) are invited on the subject of death, dying and the dead in ancient Rome. Topics that link funerary customs to memory promotion, monument production, the family and the presentation of mourning will be particularly relevant; but all subjects that provide insights into funerals, funerary rituals and commemorative practices will be considered. The day is intended to be interdisciplinary and will appeal to those interested in Roman death whether working in literature, art history, social history or archaeology. The day will be an informal one day seminar organised by the Department of Classical Studies at the OU and will be held at the OU Birmingham regional centre. The number of participants and attendees will be limited.
For further information and to submit a paper title, plus a short abstract (deadline July 31, 2007), please contact:
Dr Janet Huskinson and Dr Valerie Hope,
Department of Classical Studies,
The Open University,
Walton Hall,
Milton Keynes,
MK7 6AA.
V.M.Hope AT
J.A.R.Huskinson AT