Department of Classics & Ancient History, University of Durham
Thursday 3 May, 5.30pm [Seminar room]
Professor Josine Blok (Utrecht University)
Citizens, metics and monuments in the classical Kerameikos
Saturday 5 May, 10.30am - 7pm [Ritson room]
WORKSHOP: Augustan poetry: epic, elegy and metapoetics
Speakers: Roy Gibson (Manchester), Anne Rogerson (Cambridge),
Andrew Zissos (University of California/Irvine), Ingo Gildenhard,
Peter Heslin and Jennifer Ingleheart (Durham)
Wednesday 9 May, 5.30pm [Ritson room]
Dr Elizabeth Pender (Leeds University)
Sappho in Plato's Phaedrus
Monday 14 May, 4.30pm [tea at 4pm] [Ritson room]
Dr. Catherine Steel (Glasgow)
Cicero as Translator
Dr. Carlotta Dionisotti (King's College London)
Translated saints
Tuesday 15 May, 5.30 pm [Ritson room]
Dr Hans Goette (DAI Berlin)
Choregic dedications in Athens and the self-representation of
the elite
Wednesday 16 May, 5.30pm [Seminar room] - Classical Association
Dr Lucilla Burn (Cambridge University)
What's new about Greek vases?
Wednesday 23 May, 5.30pm [Ritson room]
Professor Rachel Barney (University of Toronto)
Socrates, virtue and the method of hypothesis
Wednesday 30 May, 5.30pm [Ritson room]
Dr Martin Revermann (University of Toronto)
Space and time in Aeschylus' Eumenides
NB Professor Edward Harris' inaugural lecture is scheduled for Thursday
7 June, with time and venue to be confirmed
Monday 18 June, 9.30am - 3pm [Classics Department]
Inaugural workshop for the Centre for the Study of the Ancient
Mediterranean and the Near East
Speakers: Igor Dorfmann-Lazarev, Johannes Haubold, Donald
Murray, John Steele, Penny Wilson (all Durham)
Monday 18 June, 3.15pm [Seminar room]
Professor Ahmed Etman (Cairo)
Homer in the Arab world
Department of Classics & Ancient History, University of Durham
Thursday 3 May, 5.30pm [Seminar room]
Professor Josine Blok (Utrecht University)
Citizens, metics and monuments in the classical Kerameikos
Saturday 5 May, 10.30am - 7pm [Ritson room]
WORKSHOP: Augustan poetry: epic, elegy and metapoetics
Speakers: Roy Gibson (Manchester), Anne Rogerson (Cambridge),
Andrew Zissos (University of California/Irvine), Ingo Gildenhard,
Peter Heslin and Jennifer Ingleheart (Durham)
Wednesday 9 May, 5.30pm [Ritson room]
Dr Elizabeth Pender (Leeds University)
Sappho in Plato's Phaedrus
Monday 14 May, 4.30pm [tea at 4pm] [Ritson room]
Dr. Catherine Steel (Glasgow)
Cicero as Translator
Dr. Carlotta Dionisotti (King's College London)
Translated saints
Tuesday 15 May, 5.30 pm [Ritson room]
Dr Hans Goette (DAI Berlin)
Choregic dedications in Athens and the self-representation of
the elite
Wednesday 16 May, 5.30pm [Seminar room] - Classical Association
Dr Lucilla Burn (Cambridge University)
What's new about Greek vases?
Wednesday 23 May, 5.30pm [Ritson room]
Professor Rachel Barney (University of Toronto)
Socrates, virtue and the method of hypothesis
Wednesday 30 May, 5.30pm [Ritson room]
Dr Martin Revermann (University of Toronto)
Space and time in Aeschylus' Eumenides
NB Professor Edward Harris' inaugural lecture is scheduled for Thursday
7 June, with time and venue to be confirmed
Monday 18 June, 9.30am - 3pm [Classics Department]
Inaugural workshop for the Centre for the Study of the Ancient
Mediterranean and the Near East
Speakers: Igor Dorfmann-Lazarev, Johannes Haubold, Donald
Murray, John Steele, Penny Wilson (all Durham)
Monday 18 June, 3.15pm [Seminar room]
Professor Ahmed Etman (Cairo)
Homer in the Arab world