"Receptions of Homer"

A one-day conference in the reception of the Homeric epics from
antiquity to modern times will be held at Gustave Tuck Lecture
Theatre, UCL Wilkins Building organized by the Department of Greek
and Latin, UCL on Friday 27 April 2007

The purpose of this conference is to explore aspects of the reception
of the Homeric text from past to present and the relationship between
different fields in the presentation of Homer to either ancient or
modern audiences. The conference will also examine the creative
influence of Homer in many areas of art, culture and education

Papers will last for 20 minutes, allowing 10 minutes for discussion.
If you wish to attend the conference please register your interest in
doing so ASAP by contacting Dr Antony Makrinos (address below) for a
booking form.

A full programme of the conference is also attached, and further
details will be posted on the website which can be accessed via

Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions
or comments and feel free to circulate the information to any of your
colleagues or research students who might also be interested.


Dr. Antony Makrinos
Post Doctoral Research Fellow in Greek
Department of Greek and Latin,
University College London,
Gower St,
Tel.: +44 20 7679 7493
E-mail: a.makrinos AT ucl.ac.uk


09:45-10:00 a.m. Welcome: Prof. CHRIS CAREY (UCL)

Session 1: Ancient Reception of Homer

10:00-10:30 a.m. Dr. BARBARA GRAZIOSI (Durham): "The ancient
reception of Homer: some issues of method"

10:30-11:00 a.m. Dr. SARAH HITCH (Reading): "The Voyage of
Homer. Reinterpretations of heroic journeys in Apollonius Rhodius and
the Orphic Argonautica"

11:00-11:30 a.m. Prof. PHILIP HARDIE (Cambridge): "Unruly and
ruly words in Homer and Latin epic"

11:30-11:45 a.m. COFFEE

Session 2: Homeric receptions from antiquity to the modern world

11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Prof. CHRIS CAREY (UCL): "Bacchylides' Homer"

12:15-12:45 p.m. Dr. GIUSEPPE LENTINI (Siena-Arezzo):
"Alcaeus' Homer: the scope and meaning of Homeric reception in
Alcaeus' poetry"

12:45-1:15 p.m. JUSTINE McCONNELL (RHUL): "Two mid-Twentieth Century
Black Odysseys"

1:15-2:15 p.m. LUNCH BREAK

Session 3: Visual and Popular Culture

2:15-2:45 p.m. Dr. PANTELIS MICHELAKIS (Bristol): Homer in early cinema

2:45-3:15 p.m. Dr. NICK LOWE (RHUL): "Dictys' children: a short long
history of Iliad novelisations"

(UCL): Canonising Homer in the Eighteenth Century: John Flaxman's
illustrations of Homer"

4:00-4:15 p.m. TEA

Session 4: Homer in English Literature and Opera

4:15-4:45 p.m. Dr. KASIA BODDY (UCL): "The Human Stain: Philip
Roth's Novel as Funeral Game"

4:45-5:15 p.m. Prof. LORNA HARDWICK (Open University): "Degrees of
Intimacy: Michael Longley's poetic relationship with Homer"

5:15-5:45 p.m. CHARLES McDOUGALL (RHL): "Finding an Epic Dramaturgy:
Homer's Odyssey in 21st Century Opera"