The Cornell Halai and East Lokris Project is looking for several volunteers to take part in our six week field season in Greece during the coming summer (June 17-July 29). Please announce to students and others.
Our focus is on the archaeological site of Halai, in the village of Theologos, on the North Euboean gulf about 75 miles northwest of Athens (2 hours by bus). The site was a settlement in the Neolithic period, followed after a hiatus by a Greco-Roman town with a small fortified seaside acropolis. The main later periods of the town are Archaic, Hellenistic and Late Roman (Early Christian). For further information and pictures see
Volunteers in 2007 will help with the description and recording of artifacts from Halai in the project's storerooms and with study and conservation at the site. Those interested in archaeological ceramics and in handling and learning about Neolithic pottery are especially welcome.
Although no particular skills or experience are required, volunteers should have a serious interest in learning about field archaeology. Volunteers are expected to spend a minimum of 4 weeks with the project.
Living quarters are at our camp at Vivos, 2 miles from the site, and a 4-minute walk from the nearest bay. Our storerooms are at Tragana, 21/2 miles from the camp. For maps of the project area see, travel and living section. Besides swimming, recreation includes walks in the beautiful valleys and hills in the area and visits to various nearby sites known through excavations, standing remains, scatters of sherds, etc.
CHELP covers volunteers' basic living costs while they are in Greece but not travel. Accommodation is in tents (beds are provided, bring sleeping
bags) and there are showers, flushing toilets and a washing machine.
Participants make use of a spacious kitchen adjacent to a broad terrace where we congregate to eat, have meetings and lectures, etc.
There will be a scholarly workshop on the Neolithic environment during one weekend in the summer (yet to be finalized) at which specialists studying the material at Halai and external scholars will present papers and lead discussions on Neolithic questions.
For more information about the project, please see Those interested in volunteering can also contact me by e-mail with queries. To apply, please send me an e-mail with relevant personal information, including a resume and contact information for a couple of references.
John E. Coleman
Professor of Classics and Director, Cornell Halai and East Lokris Project
128 Goldwin Smith Hall, Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853, USA Ph. 607-255-8335; 607-255-8327; Fax. 607 254-8899
Greece: c/o N. Psarras, 35 odos Anapavseos, 35001 Malesina, Phthiotidos, Greece webpages. CHELP: Halai Archaeological
Our focus is on the archaeological site of Halai, in the village of Theologos, on the North Euboean gulf about 75 miles northwest of Athens (2 hours by bus). The site was a settlement in the Neolithic period, followed after a hiatus by a Greco-Roman town with a small fortified seaside acropolis. The main later periods of the town are Archaic, Hellenistic and Late Roman (Early Christian). For further information and pictures see
Volunteers in 2007 will help with the description and recording of artifacts from Halai in the project's storerooms and with study and conservation at the site. Those interested in archaeological ceramics and in handling and learning about Neolithic pottery are especially welcome.
Although no particular skills or experience are required, volunteers should have a serious interest in learning about field archaeology. Volunteers are expected to spend a minimum of 4 weeks with the project.
Living quarters are at our camp at Vivos, 2 miles from the site, and a 4-minute walk from the nearest bay. Our storerooms are at Tragana, 21/2 miles from the camp. For maps of the project area see, travel and living section. Besides swimming, recreation includes walks in the beautiful valleys and hills in the area and visits to various nearby sites known through excavations, standing remains, scatters of sherds, etc.
CHELP covers volunteers' basic living costs while they are in Greece but not travel. Accommodation is in tents (beds are provided, bring sleeping
bags) and there are showers, flushing toilets and a washing machine.
Participants make use of a spacious kitchen adjacent to a broad terrace where we congregate to eat, have meetings and lectures, etc.
There will be a scholarly workshop on the Neolithic environment during one weekend in the summer (yet to be finalized) at which specialists studying the material at Halai and external scholars will present papers and lead discussions on Neolithic questions.
For more information about the project, please see Those interested in volunteering can also contact me by e-mail with queries. To apply, please send me an e-mail with relevant personal information, including a resume and contact information for a couple of references.
John E. Coleman
Professor of Classics and Director, Cornell Halai and East Lokris Project
128 Goldwin Smith Hall, Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853, USA Ph. 607-255-8335; 607-255-8327; Fax. 607 254-8899
Greece: c/o N. Psarras, 35 odos Anapavseos, 35001 Malesina, Phthiotidos, Greece webpages. CHELP: Halai Archaeological