A meeting of the Hibernian Hellenists will take place at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, on 9-10 March 2007. The programme is as follows:

Friday 9th March 2007

6.15pm Sherry reception in Pugin Hall

6.45pm Dinner in Pugin Hall

8.00 p.m. Dr. Nigel Tallis, (Department of the Ancient Near East, British Museum) will read a paper entitled 'Aspects of continuity and change in Achaemenid Art'.

Saturday 10th March 2007

8.15 - 9.00 am Breakfast

9.30 am Professor Charles Martindale (University of Bristol) will read a paper entitled 'Dryden's Ovid and Aesthetic Translation'.

11.15 am Dr. Martine Cuypers (Trinity College Dublin) will read a paper entitled 'Formularity, Intertextuality, and Meaning. The Limits of Interpretation in Quintus' Posthomerica'.

12.45 pm Lunch

2.00 p.m. Dr. Edward Herring (University College Galway) will read a paper entitled 'In whose Image? Approaching the Depiction of Native People in Apulian Vase-Painting'.

Registration Fee €15.00
Dinner €22.00
Bed and Breakfast €32.50
Sandwich lunch €4.95

A copy of the registration form can be downloaded in .pdf format at:

Registration forms, together with remittance, should be returned to the Secretary, Department of Ancient Classics, NUI Maynooth, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland, NOT LATER than 28 February 2007.