‘ Roman art: where is it at and where is it going?’


Saturday March 24 2007 at The Open University, Milton Keynes (Christodoulou Meeting Room 15)

Everyone involved in teaching and researching Roman art in British universities is welcome to this Subject Day (funded by Classics in the Subject Centre, The Higher Education Academy). The aim is to meet and share discussion of current issues in the subject.



Coffee available from 10.30 am

Chair: Robin Osborne

11.00 am– 1. 00pm

Welcome (Janet Huskinson)

Some ideas for the agenda: suggested by Amanda Claridge, Katharina Lorenz, Sam Moorhead, Peter Stewart, and Caroline Vout

Followed by open discussion


1.00 pm to 1.45 pm   Lunch (Buffet lunch including vegetarian options)


1.45 pm  to 2.30pm  Small discussion groups on:

1.       Teaching strategies for undergraduates new to visual material 

2.       Postgraduate and research students (e.g. MA courses, recruitment, training of PhDs etc.) 

3.       New technologies in teaching (including sharing digital resources, copyright issues etc.) 

4.       ‘endangered specialisms ?’: subjects such as Roman architecture, Romano-British and Etruscan art (undergraduate teaching and postgraduate training needs) in the face of interdisciplinary courses..


2.30 pm -3.45 pm Open discussion:

Reports from groups. Where to go from here? Possibilities of setting up some kind of subject-network (e.g. via an email list). 

 3.45 Tea

4.00 Departure


There is no charge for this event but as places are limited booking is essential  (by the form below) by March 12 2007.

Travel directions to the Open University can be found at  http://www3.open.ac.uk/contact/locations.aspx. The Meeting Rooms are at the centre of the campus behind Walton Hall itself. There is plenty of car parking. The OU is about 15 minutes by taxi from Central Milton Keynes Station which is also the best stop for the X5 Oxford-Cambridge coach (cost around £10).



Roman Art Subject Day: March 24 2007


Please email to Bronwen Sharp, Departmental Co-ordinator, Department of Classical Studies, The Open University : B.M.Sharp AT open.ac.uk  by March 12 2007.


Title and position……………………………………………………

University and Department…………………………………………

Email address (for contact)…………………………………………

(Please indicate if you do NOT wish this to be made generally available)…………….

I would prefer to join discussion group 1, 2, 3, 4         (Delete numbers as applicable)

Any particular dietary requirements………………………………