Seen on the Classicists list:

Given the lively take-up we have had for the Digitial Classicist [] panels at the Classical Association (see it seems appropriate to suggest we attempt a parallel session for the APA/AIA conference in Chicago, January 3-6, 2008.

The idea is for a Digital Classicist panel (or more than one) containing four or five papers on the theme of new research in the classics with a digital component. In specific terms this means that each paper should present a research project or question that (a) would be recognised as asking a valid academic question by traditional classical scholarship in the broadest sense possible, and (b) that uses computing technology in some innovative way to help ask, approach, or answer this question. If tighter themes emerge as a result of papers submitted, we may group the panel or propose more than one panel.

Would anyone interested in participating in proposing this APA/AIA panel in Chicago please send a one page abstract to me, preferably by email, at the address below, as soon as possible. Any other suggestions or comments gratefully received, preferably on the Digital Classicist list [].


Dr Gabriel BODARD

Inscriptions of Aphrodisias
Centre for Computing in the Humanities
King's College London
Kay House
7, Arundel Street
London WC2R 3DX

Email: gabriel.bodard AT
Tel: +44 (0)20 7848 1388
Fax: +44 (0)20 7848 2980