6 Feb Philip Sabin (KCL) Lost battles: reconstructing the great clashes of the ancient world
13 Feb Duncan Kennedy (Bristol) Dismemberment and the critics: the case of Seneca's Phaedra
20 Feb Joanna Paul (Liverpool) 'Are you not entertained?': arena violence in epic literature and film
27 Feb Susanne Wilbers-Rost & Achim Rost (Kalkriese) Research on the battlefield of Varus (AD 9): archaeological results and historical aspects
6 March Edward Harris (Durham) Who enforced the law in classical Athens?
13 March William J Dominik (Otago NZ) Geopolitics in Virgil
20 March Kai Brodersen (Mannheim) An overdose of love potion or a case of malicious poisoning? Antiphon, Against the Stepmother
27 March Philip De Souza (UCD) Why was piracy a problem in the ancient world?
The seminars, unless otherwise stated, take place at 4:30pm in the Bosanquet Seminar Room, 12 Abercromby Square, University of Liverpool. All are welcome!
For further information or inquiries please contact Dr Alexei V Zadorojnyi at avzadoro AT liverpool.ac.uk
... seen on the Classicists list.
Posted by david meadows on Jan-23-07 at 4:24 AM Drop me a line to comment on this post! Comments (which might be edited) will be appended to the original post as soon as possible with appropriate attribution.