A notice from Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano that seems to be working its way through various lists:

I am pleased to announce the publication of the first volume of a new Journal dedicated to both Classical and Ancient Near Eastern history.

_Palamedes. A Journal of Ancient History_ is sponsored by Warsaw University, and can be purchase at:
<http://www.wuw.home.pl/ksiegarnia/product_info.php?products_id=3977&language =en>

The contents of volume 1 (2006) are:

Editorial Statement
Leslaw Morawiecki (1949-2004)
Pierre Vidal-Naquet (1930-2006)

MARIO LIVERANI, New Discoveries in the Land of the Garamantes. From the Archaeology of Libyan Sahara

RAFAL KOLINSKI, Old Assyrian or Old Babylonian? The Cultural Setting of Northern Mesopotamia at the Beginning of the 2nd Millennium BC

EDWARD LIPINSKI, Sozomène II 4 et le site de Ramat al-Halil

WLODZIMIERZ LENGAUER, Eros among citizens

KRYSTYNA BARTOL, The Lost World of Inventors: Athenaeus' Sentimental Heurematography

ADAM PALUCHOWSKI, Le nombre des bouleutes et le président de la boulè dans les cités crétoises aux deux premiers siècles de l'Empire

ANDRZEJ WYPUSTEK, IZABELLA DONKOW, Christians and the Plague in the 2nd Century Asia Minor

MICHAL STACHURA, Stadt und Peripherie in der Häretikerpolitik der frühbyzantinischen Kaiser (ca. 325 bis 455)


JAN K. WINNICKI, Eine demotische Votivinschrift aus Saqqara

ADAM LAJTAR, An Epitaph from Olbia (?) in the Princes Czartoryski Museum in Cracow

KRYSTYNA STEBNICKA, Die Münzen der Sophisten und Rhetoren aus der Zeit der zweiten Sophistik

Maciej Münnich, Obraz Jahwe jako wladcy choroby w Biblii Hebrajskiej na tle bóstw bliskowschodnich [The Image of Yahweh as the Lord of Illness in the Hebrew Bible against the Background of Near-Eastern Deities], Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2004, 409 pages, with English summary (Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spanò)

Marcin Pawlak, Walka o wladze w Rzymie w latach 425-435 [La lutte pour le pouvoir à Rome dans les années 425-435], Wydawnictwo Naukowe GRADO, Torun 2004, 214 pages, résumé en français (Marek