Just so folks know, I've deleted our Classics Central discussion board. Over the past while it has become a target for spammers (you never saw them because everything was set to be approved by yours truly) and I cannot keep up with the volume of deletions. I have culled a number of comments on rc items and will append them to the appropriate posts when I get time. If you are a fan of ancient-themed discussion boards, I'd suggest checking out the following:

About.com's Ancient History Forum

Alexander the Great's Forum

Ancient Mediterranean Cultures

Roman Army Talk


... if there are others (with a reasonable amount of traffic and which deal specifically with the ancient worlds of Greece and Rome), send them to me and I'll consider adding them to the list.


Dmitri Minaev suggests:

Sorry for such a brazen bragging, but, being a co-moderator of a history discussion board, I would like to add one more name to the list you have posted: Sima Qian Studio (http://www.simaqianstudio.com). It is not confined to the antiquity, but, at least, our Ancient History subforum
(http://www.simaqianstudio.com/forum/index.php?showforum=8) is active enough.