Yesterday's ...

Criminia qui cernunt aliorum non sua cernunt.

Those who so easily discern the crimes of others do not even see their own.

pron = KREE-mih-nah kwee KAIR-noont ah-lee-OH-room nohn SOO-ah KAIR-noont.

Comment: Jesus is said to have asked how a person might remove a
splinter from someone else's eye while he had a huge timber stuck in
his own.

I learned several years ago a practice called "the mirror". It works
like this. If I find myself reacting to someone else, that is a signal
that the mirror is at work. I have unwittingly found someone who is
showing me myself. If I will simply take time to observe "the mirror"
he/she will show me something about myself that I had been pretending
was not true.

It's that simple. And it's that difficult.

And then, discerning others' faults becomes a way of really seeing
something that I can do anything about.

Bob Patrick
(Used with permission)
Latin Proverb of the Day Archive