As frequent visitors to rc know, there hasn't really been a comment feature here. I did set up links for folks to post comments at Classics Central, but although it did get some use, the 'disjunction' between comment and article has always bothered me. To make matters worse, I find that spambots (or some group of people with an awful lot of time on their hands) have -- in my absence, of course -- been spamming Classics Central big time. I spent close to an hour yesterday 'disapproving' posts making various offers having nothing to do with Classics. They seem to be coming every hour and I'm pondering closing Classics Central down for that reason (but I might not).

Even so, I'd still like comments to be a bit 'closer' to the article they're associated with, so now (as you hopefully noticed) the 'comment on this post' has become 'drop me a line'. I'll read your comments and attach them to the original article when I get a chance (with proper attribution, of course, and possible editing).


Just trying out the facility ... seems to work!
David Meadows