Regis amictia non est possessio pura.

The king's friendship is not a pure thing.

(pron = RAY-gis ah-mih-KEE-tee-ah nohn ehst pohs-SEHS-see-oh POO-rah)

Comment: Any friendship built on an unequal playing field is going to be
painful. A medieval king had absolute power, for the most part. Any
"friendship" would have been with one who stood as an unequal in the
relationship. Imagine what kind of friendship one could have with someone who
had the power to kill you with impunity.

Imagine a friendship with someone who: can berate you and not care; hit you and
get away with it; fire you; take your money and never repay it; take you and
your gifts for granted; who always demands but never gives.

These are not friendships. These are abusive relationships of some kind or
another. They are built on power held unequally. Honor and respect and
integrity are not involved. They are relationships that, however amicable they
seem on the surface, involve a king and a surf.

Bob Patrick
(Used with permission)
Latin Proverb of the Day is now available on the web.