Apologies for the lack of updates over the weekend ... it was one of those constant-interruption weekends which kept me away from the computer for extended periods (not necessarily a bad thing, actually). One result of that, though, is that we've got quite a Carnival for you today:

ARLT has been busy this weekend, not least of which pointing us to a Westminster Hour series at the BBC on how much British politics owes to the BBC; parts one and two are available via this page ... other than that, it's easier to direct folks to the ARLT main page for a pile of interesting updates (including declension songs, why Augustus is a good role model, etc.) ...

About.com's N.S. Gill provides us with a handy list of Greek heroes ... and in the interests of equal time, a list of monsters too ...

Blogographos points us to some interesting historical fiction manipulation by Dan Simmons ...

Hobbyblog has an antoninianus sporting Salonina on one side and Augusta in Pace on the other (nothing to do with the Masters, by the way) ...

Laudator's MG has some Classical parallels for Palm Sunday ... there's also a good post on Prince Harry's latest antics and Clytemnestra's prayer ...

Eric over at Campus Mawrtius is pondering philosophy and philology ...

GL's in the Latin Zone, telling us how to play solitaire in Latin ...

Roman History Books enlightens us about Roman Wine and points us to an audio version of Gibbon ...

Thoughts on Antiquity is contending with the grammar of some archaic Latin ...

Father Foster's latest: Give him the opportunity to flip through the yellowish pages of an ancient looking musical tome and his mood will swing from weepy sad to tearfully happy. He’s our “Latin Lover” and in a burst of song he deftly communicates Palm Sunday emotions...

Peter Jones has put up another Ancient and Modern column at the Friends of Classics site ...

Last week Progressive U had a student essay type thing called One Scholar's View of the Ancient Civilization of Rome ...

That person writing under the pen name Cicero has also written another column for Huntington News, this time on funding war efforts ...

For the gamers out there, there will be an Alexander the Great expansion pack for Rome: Total War coming soon ...

In the latest Studies in Philology: Kinch, Ashby. The Ethical Agency of the Female Lyric Voice: The Wife's Lament and Catullus 64

Interesting discussion at the Live Journal Classics page on Cicero editing Lucretius ...

Congrats to the author of Classical Archaeologist, who has been accepted into a program at UK

Belated congrats to the Codex: Biblical Studies blog on its first blogiversary ...

I think I missed the last installment of Foxtrot:

satis superque for today