Strolling down the midway ...

ARLT beat me to pointing out that Septimius Severus is one of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography lives of the week ... (there's a bit on Caracalla at the end too goes to the ODNB main page, since they change the url every day) ...

ARLT also points us to a talk in the Times by Boris Johnson on why the Roman Empire worked and the EU doesn't (and it's available as a podcast!)

Eric over at Campus Mawrtius adds to his Aquinum post with a well-known bit of Horace ...

Bread and Circuses tells us of a 'sign' seen by Attila at Aquileia ...

Ginny Lindzey gives us an outreach anecdote on card-playing in Latin ...

Pro magistris' MK tells us why he is a teacher ...

Hobbyblog exhibits a possibly posthumous AE30 of Valerian with an image of Tyche ...