Another little stroll today:

Bread and Circuses gives us a bit of info about Romulus Augustulus ...

DW from the Classics list points us to NASA's Earth Observatory pic of the day (or whatever it's called) ... a nice clear satellite pic of Vesuvius ...

The LiveJournal classics group has an interesting discussion going on the nature of translation ...

Laudator expresses an opinion on the naughty bits that Classicists translate ... then there's another post on panacea ...'s N.S. Gill is looking at solar eclipses in various ancient cultures ... there's also an essay on book VI of the Aeneid ...

Assorted tidbits of interest in Alun's 'seen elsewhere' posting ...

Over at Campus Mawrtius, Dennis is wondering where the ACL website went (it's up again, by the way)

Classics in Contemporary Culture alerts us to a production of The Nero Conspiracy ...

Hobbyblog has a nice follis of Severus II sporting an image of Genius ...

Potentially doorworthy?